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Does the city have a critical water deficiency restriction/official control in place that includes <br /> provisions to restrict water use and enforce the restrictions?(This restriction may be an <br /> ordinance, rule, regulation, policy under a council directive,or other official control) Yes <br /> If yes, attach the official control document to this WSP as Appendix 7. <br /> If no,the municipality must adopt such an official control within 6 months of submitting this WSP and <br /> submit it to the DNR as an amendment to this WSP. <br /> Irrespective of whether a critical water deficiency control is in place,does the public water supply <br /> utility,city manager, mayor,or emergency manager have standing authority to implement water <br /> restrictions? Yes <br /> If yes,cite the regulatory authority reference: City of Elk River Code Section 78-51—Water Use <br /> Restrictions. <br /> 29 <br /> 69 <br />