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C. Water Sources <br /> Complete Table 6 by listing all types of water sources that supply water to the system, including <br /> groundwater, surface water, interconnections with other water suppliers, or others. Provide the name <br /> of each source (aquifer name, river or lake name, name of interconnecting water supplier) and the <br /> Minnesota unique well number or intake ID,as appropriate. Report the year the source was installed or <br /> established and the current capacity. Provide information about the depth of all wells. Describe the <br /> status of the source (active, inactive,emergency only, retail/wholesale interconnection) and if the <br /> source facilities have a dedicated emergency power source. Add rows to the table as needed for each <br /> installation. <br /> Include copies of well records and maintenance summary for each well that has occurred since your last <br /> approved plan in Appendix 1. <br /> Table 6.Water sources and status <br /> l � <br /> Groundwater Well#2 255153 1948 650 290 Active No <br /> Groundwater Well#3 221176 1974 1000 315 Active No <br /> Groundwater Well#4 481794 1992 1000 225 Active No <br /> Groundwater Well#5 537682 1994 1000 406 Active Yes <br /> Groundwater Well#6 580320 1999 1000 300 Active Yes <br /> Groundwater Well#7 664852 2001 1000 341 Active No <br /> Groundwater Well#8 694499 2004 1000 390 Active No <br /> Groundwater Well#9 757624 2008 1000 454 Active No <br /> Limits on Emergency Interconnections <br /> Discuss any limitations on the use of the water sources (e.g. not to be operated simultaneously, <br /> limitations due to blending, aquifer recovery issues etc.) and the use of interconnections, including <br /> capacity limits or timing constraints. If there are no limitations, list none. <br /> We have no emergency water resources available. <br /> 14 <br /> 54 <br />