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received from Great River Energy (GRE)that are waiting to be paid out to the customer once <br /> all their paperwork is complete. Chair Dietz asked if the process would be similar once we <br /> switch over to Minnesota Municipal Power Agency (MMPA). Mr. Sagstetter explained that <br /> the process will be relatively the same with the exception of having to budget for our own <br /> rebates. There was discussion. <br /> For the water statement, Commissioner Stewart asked what the $5,000 loss on disposition of <br /> property was for. Ms. Slominski responded that she believed it was for an asset that was <br /> retired,but she would need to clarify that and get back to the Commission. <br /> Moved by Commissioner Nadeau and seconded by Commissioner Stewart to approve the <br /> April 2017 Financial Report. Motion carried 5-0. <br /> 5.2 Load Management Transition Plan Update <br /> Mr. Sagstetter informed the Commission that staff has been working internally, and with Dave <br /> Berg Consulting, LLC,to determine a cost effective way to transition from direct load control <br /> programs to behavior driven programs utilizing time of use (TOU) rates. Before developing <br /> customer communication material, staff is looking for Commission consensus on the load <br /> management transition plan for each of the programs that ERMU currently has customers <br /> participating in. <br /> Mr. Sagstetter walked through the load management transition plan as outlined in his memo. <br /> He explained that in an effort to incentivize customers to convert from direct load control to <br /> TOU rates, ERMU will offer a rebate towards the purchase and installation of a WIFI <br /> compatible thermostat. In addition, ERMU would also install a new TOU meter for each <br /> customer that converts over to the TOU rate. Mr. Sagstetter went over the financial impact <br /> associated with the meter conversion. Commissioner Stewart asked if we would be able to <br /> capitalize the meters. Staff responded that we would. After discussion, Commission <br /> consensus was to move forward with the load management transition plan as presented. <br /> 6.0 BUSINESS DISCUSSION <br /> 6.1 Staff Updates <br /> Mr.Adams shared that he attended the Great River Energy Annual Meeting and provided an <br /> overview of the meeting and the take away message. He also shared that wholesale power rate <br /> increases for the foreseeable future are projected to be in-line or under inflation. <br /> Mr. Fuchs provided details on the recent outages resulting from the storms that came through on <br /> Sunday,June 10.He stated that besides losing three feeders, a majority of the problems were due to <br /> trees coming down onto the power lines. It took crews approximately four hours to restore power to <br /> the 950 customers that were affected. Mr. Fuchs shared that once we had our situation under <br /> control,we dispatched two crews to help out Connexus Energy as part of our mutual aid agreement. <br /> Page 4 <br /> Regular Meeting of the Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission <br /> June 13,2017 <br /> 36 <br />