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5.1 PCSR 06-27-2017
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5.1 PCSR 06-27-2017
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6/22/2017 4:02:49 PM
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6/22/2017 2:46:10 PM
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City of Elk River, Minnesota <br />approximate new 7,216 square foot facility to operate a light maintenance facility for the Beaudry Oil existing fleet. <br />The facility will be used for minor repair for Beaudry Oil & Propane Fleet (not open to the public), which includes oil <br />changes, replacing tires, changing brakes, minor service, light maintenance, cleaning and detailing. The City has <br />identified additional public improvement costs related to the redevelopment project including acquisition of additional <br />blighted properties adjacent to the proposed project site, as well as infrastructure improvements to allow better <br />access to the project site. Following acquisition and demolition of the blighted properties, it is anticipated that a <br />second development will occur in the District, generating additional taxable value and increment that will be available <br />to financing the redevelopment costs. The City anticipates using tax increments to finance the identified <br />redevelopment costs, including eligible related administrative expenses. <br />Demolition and subsequent construction of the new development on the project site is projected to start in 2017 and is <br />anticipated to occur in phases subject to market. The total project is expected to be fully constructed by December <br />31, 2018, and be 100% assessed and on the tax rolls as of January 2, 2019 for taxes payable 2020. <br />Section J Findings and Need for Tax Increment Financing <br />In establishing the TIF District, the City makes the following findings: <br />(1) The TIF District qualifies as a redevelopment district; <br />The City hired LHB to inspect and evaluate the property within the proposed Tax <br />Increment Financing District No. 24 to be established by the City. The purpose of the <br />evaluation was to determine if the proposed district met the statutory requirements for <br />coverage and if the buildings met the qualifications required for a Redevelopment District. <br />A final report will be prepared for the City to retain on file in City offices for public <br />inspection. The report contains the details of the findings summarized below regarding the <br />substandard qualifications: <br />The TIF District consists of twelve parcels that are occupied so 100 percent of <br />the area of the proposed TIF District is occupied (exceeding the 70 percent <br />coverage test); <br />66.7 percent (8 of 12) of the buildings in the proposed District contain code <br />deficiencies exceeding the 15 percent threshold; <br />at least 50 percent of the buildings are structurally substandard to a degree <br />requiring substantial renovation or clearance, because of defects in structural <br />elements or a combination of deficiencies in essential utilities and facilities, light <br />and ventilation, fire protection including adequate egress, layout and condition of <br />interior partitions, or similar factors which defects or deficiencies are of sufficient <br />total significance to justify substantial renovation or clearance, exceeding the <br />more than 50 percent substandard test; and <br />The substandard buildings are reasonably distributed throughout the geographic <br />area of the proposed TIF District. <br />(2) The proposed redevelopment, in the opinion of the City, would not reasonably be expected to occur <br />solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future and the increased <br />market value of the site that could reasonably be expected to occur without the use of tax <br />increment financing would be less than the increase in the market value estimated to result from the <br />proposed development after subtracting the present value of the projected tax increments for the <br />maximum duration of the district permitted by the TIF Plan. <br />Factual basis: <br />Proposed development not expected to occur.- <br />SPRINGSTED Page 5 <br />
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