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City of Elk River, Minnesota <br />outbuildings, are structurally substandard requiring substantial renovation or clearance. A parcel is deemed <br />"occupied" if at least 15% of the area of the parcel contains buildings, streets, utilities, paved or gravel <br />parking lots, or other similar structures. <br />(2) the property consists of vacant, unused, underused, inappropriately used, or infrequently used railyards, rail <br />storage facilities, or excessive or vacated railroad right -of -ways; or <br />(3) tank facilities, or property whose immediately previous use was for tank facilities, as defined in section <br />115C.02, subdivision 15, if the tank facilities: <br />(i) have or had a capacity of more than 1,000,000 gallons; <br />(ii) are located adjacent to rail facilities; and <br />(iii) have been removed or are unused, underused, inappropriately used, or infrequently used. <br />For districts consisting of two more noncontiguous areas, each area must individually qualify under the provisions <br />listed above, as well as the entire area must also qualify as a whole. <br />The TIF District qualifies as a redevelopment district in that it meets all of the criteria listed in (1) above. The <br />supporting facts and documentation for this determination will be retained by the City for the life of the TIF District and <br />are available to the public upon request. An analysis was completed by LHB to make this determination. <br />"Structurally substandard" is defined as buildings containing defects or deficiencies in structural elements, essential <br />utilities and facilities, light and ventilation, fire protection (including egress), layout and condition of interior partitions, <br />or similar factors. Generally, a building is not structurally substandard if it is in compliance with the building code <br />applicable to a new building, or could be modified to satisfy the existing code at a cost of less than 15% of the cost of <br />constructing a new structure of the same size and type. <br />A city may not find that a building is structurally substandard without an interior inspection, unless it can not gain <br />access to the property and there exists evidence which supports the structurally substandard finding. Such evidence <br />includes recent fire or police inspections, on -site property tax appraisals or housing inspections, exterior evidence of <br />deterioration, or other similar reliable evidence. Written documentation of the findings and reasons why an interior <br />inspection was not conducted must be made and retained. A parcel is deemed to be occupied by a structurally <br />substandard building if the following conditions are met: <br />(1) the parcel was occupied by a substandard building within three years of the filing of the request for <br />certification of the parcel as part of the district; <br />(2) the demolition or removal of the substandard building was performed or financed by the City, or was <br />performed by a developer under a development agreement with the City; <br />(3) the City found by resolution before such demolition or removal occurred that the building was structurally <br />substandard and that the City intended to include the parcel in the TIF district, and <br />(4) the City notifies the county auditor that the original tax capacity of the parcel must be adjusted upon filing <br />the request for certification of the tax capacity of the parcel as part of a district. <br />In the case of (4) above, the County Auditor shall certify the original net tax capacity of the parcel to be the greater of <br />(a) the current tax capacity of the parcel, or (b) a computed tax capacity of the parcel using the estimated market <br />value of the parcel for the year in which the demolition or removal occurred, and the appropriate classification rate(s) <br />for the current year. <br />At least 90 percent of the tax increment from a redevelopment district must be used to finance the cost of correcting <br />conditions that allow designation as a redevelopment district. These costs include, but are not limited to, acquiring <br />properties containing structurally substandard buildings or improvements or hazardous substances, pollution, or <br />contaminants, acquiring adjacent parcels necessary to provide a site of sufficient size to permit development, <br />demolition and rehabilitation of structures, clearing of land, removal of hazardous substances or remediation <br />SPRINGSTED Page 3 <br />