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City of Elk River, Minnesota <br />Proposed Redevelopment TIF District No. 24 (The Truck Shop Project) <br />Planning Commission Meeting to Review Draft TIF Plan <br />June 21, 2017 <br />Page 2 <br />A TIF District must be established within a Project Area. The boundaries of the Tax Increment Financing District (TIF <br />District) are within the Development District No. 1. Tax increment revenues of the TIF District are generated from <br />incremental growth within the district and are allowed to be spent both within the boundaries of the TIF District and <br />with some limitations outside the boundaries of the District and within the Project Area. <br />Background <br />The City of Elk River is considering the establishment of a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District to assist with <br />financing a portion of the costs associated with redevelopment of the properties comprising of the TIF District. Those <br />redevelopment costs include acquisition, demolition and installation of public improvements, subject to feasibility and <br />availability of revenues. A business is planning the construction of an approximate new 7,216 square foot facility to <br />operate a light maintenance facility for the Beaudry Oil existing fleet. The facility will be used for minor repair for <br />Beaudry Oil & Propane Fleet (not open to the public), which includes oil changes, replacing tires, changing brakes, <br />minor service, light maintenance, cleaning and detailing. <br />The City has identified additional public improvement costs related to the redevelopment project including acquisition <br />of additional blighted properties adjacent to the proposed project site, as well as infrastructure improvements to allow <br />better access to the project site. Following acquisition and demolition of the blighted properties, it is anticipated that <br />a second development will occur in the District, generating additional taxable value and increment that will be <br />available to financing the redevelopment costs. The City anticipates using tax increments to finance the identified <br />redevelopment costs, including eligible related administrative expenses. <br />Action <br />The Planning Commission is being asked to determine that the project within the TIF District meets the following <br />through adoption of the accompanying resolution: <br />(4) The TIF Plan conforms to general plans for development of the City as a whole. <br />Thank you for the opportunity to be of assistance to the City of Elk River. Please contact me at 651 - 223 -3036 or <br />mhuot( with any questions or to discuss. <br />