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i ides a� u n Jklyei, ITLy <br />5001 American Blvd W., #5011 Bloomington, MN 55437 4 952.830.0161 x326 ♦ Fax: 952.831.1215 <br />The Pines <br />NARRATIVE <br />May, 2017 <br />Pines at Elk River, LLC, has purchased two adjoining parcels on 183r4 Circle NW. We are <br />proposing to develop the property into 26 detached townhome lots. The Pines will be similar <br />to West Oaks in that each townhome will be detached and will offer buyers a choice of the <br />Bridgeport or Wellington designs, with and without sunrooms. Buyers can also choose their <br />homes to be slab -on -grade or have walk -out basements. <br />The property is heavily wooded with towering pines. We have designed several lot <br />plans in an attempt to limit the number of trees that must be removed for construction. That <br />effort has reduced our original 31 lot plan to 26 lots. This allows us to keep the development <br />on the flat part of the property, away from the hillsides, and limit the amount of roadway <br />needed. <br />We are all very excited about The Pines development and believe it will be a valuable <br />asset to the community. Thank you for considering our proposal. <br />Roger Derric <br />Chief Manager <br />