anywhere in the DD. Of primary concern was fast changing, scrolling, or flashing signs. They cited
<br />concerns with the character of the area, and distractions along Highway 10. To address some of these
<br />concerns, while still permitting the sign, staff recommends requiring each display to be for no less than
<br />five minutes, and to have an immediate transition (no scrolling, fading, etc,). This is more limiting that
<br />what is currently permitted via Sec. 30 -864 (e).
<br />Analysis
<br />Comprehensive Plan
<br />Mississippi Connections represents the historical core of the city and corresponds to a redevelopment
<br />framework adopted by the City Council in November of 2012. This redevelopment framework
<br />established specific goals to strengthen the study area, which was broken up into five neighborhoods.
<br />These neighborhoods include the older residential and downtown commercial neighborhoods which are
<br />facing changes in the form of access and visibility, shopping habits, and housing desires. The Mississippi
<br />Connections Plan attempts to identify key strategic objects to reinvent the area as a destination for a
<br />variety of uses and activities.
<br />Applicable Regulation
<br />The issuance of a CUP can be ordered only if the use at the proposed location:
<br />7. mill not endanger, injure or detrimentally affect the use and enjoyment of otberproperty in the immediate vicinity or
<br />the public bealtb, safety, morals, comfort, convenience orgeneral welfare of the neigbborbood or the city.
<br />With the standards set forth in Sec. 30 -864 (e), the use will not endanger, injure or detrimentally
<br />affect the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity or the public health, safety,
<br />morals, comfort, convenience or general welfare of the neighborhood or the city.
<br />2. mill be consistent witb the comprebensive plan.
<br />The use will be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
<br />3. WIN not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of surrounding vacant property.
<br />There is no surrounding vacant property so the use will not impede the normal and orderly
<br />development and improvement of surrounding vacant property.
<br />4. Wl'ill be served adequately by and will not adversely affect essential public facilities and services including streets, police
<br />and fire protection, drainage, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems, parks and scbools; and will not, in particular,
<br />create traffic congestion or interference with traffic c on adjacent and neigbbor' public tborougbfares.
<br />The use will be served adequately by and will not adversely affect essential public facilities and
<br />services including streets, police and fire protection, drainage, refuse disposal, water and sewer
<br />systems, parks and schools; and will not, in particular, create traffic congestion or interference with
<br />traffic on adjacent and neighboring public thoroughfares.
<br />5. Will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental
<br />to any persons or property because of excessive traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, odors, dust or vibrations.
<br />The use will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation
<br />that will be detrimental to any persons or property because of excessive traffic, noise, smoke, fumes,
<br />glare, odors, dust or vibrations.
<br />N: \Departments \Community Development \Planning \Case Files \CUP \CU 17 -13 Granite shores LLC \4Planning Commission \CU 17 -13 sr 6-27 -
<br />17.docx
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