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required number of trees required elsewhere in ordinance. The goal of the landscaped buffer will be to <br />screen the fence and stored materials from the ground level up. <br />In addition to the screening requirements described above, staffends includinga 150 foot <br />setback for outdoor storage as a principal use along Highway 10. <br />impacts to screening requirements, and the anticipated effective <br />aesthetics along the Highway 10 corridor. The larger setback also limits the number of lot <br />Highway 10 that would be permitted outdoor storage as a principa <br />Financial Impact <br />None <br /> <br />Attachments <br /> <br />Applicants Narrative <br /> <br />N:\Departments\Community Development\Planning\Case Files\OA\OA 17-06 Satellite Shelters\4-Planning Commission\5.3 sr OS <br />Amendment.docx <br />