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Transportation/ Circulation <br />th <br />The site is located on the north east corner of 5 Street and Dodge Avenue with access points locate on <br />each street.The applicant is not proposing additional access points or alter <br />th <br />access points. The site circulation was setup in the past with s/egress on 5Street and egress only <br />on Dodge Avenue. <br /> <br />The city will likely be requesting the purchase of additional right-of-way from the southwest corner of the <br />th <br />subject property to better align the corner of Dodge and 5 Street in the near future.See the exhibit <br />titled Draft Road Alignment. <br /> <br />Utilities <br />The subject property is connected to city services. <br /> <br />Grading/ Drainage <br />No site grading is being proposed. The amount of impervious surface will not be increased with the <br />proposed project. <br /> <br />Landscaping <br />No landscaping is proposed. By ordinance, a CUP will fully comply with all other requirement <br />code (30-654 a 7). In situations where the landscaping for an existing building doe <br />requirements, the City Council has historically reduced the requirement in scale with the proposed <br />development. <br /> <br />The property has a perimeter of approximately 1,063 feet. Section 30-934 of the city code states the <br />number of trees on the lot, tract, or parcel shall not be less tperimeter of the described <br />area as measured in feet divided by 40. This would result in 27 trees being required. <br /> <br />The subject property contains approximately 30 trees. <br /> <br />Applicable Regulation <br /> <br />The issuance of a Conditional Use Permit can be ordered only if the use at the proposed location: <br />1. Will not endanger, injure or detrimentally affect the use and en vicinity or <br />the public health, safety, morals, comfort, convenience or generood or the city. <br />The CUP will be operated in an existing facility in a fully deveThe use will not endanger, <br />injure or detrimentally affect the use and enjoyment of other pr <br />public health, safety, morals, comfort, convenience or general welfare of the neighborhood or t <br /> <br />2. Will be consistent with the comprehensive plan. <br />The use is consistent with the comprehensive plan. <br /> <br />3. Will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvsurrounding vacant property. <br />As the proposed use is located in a fully developed area, the use will not impede the normal and <br />orderly development and improvement of surrounding vacant proper <br />the adjacent property. <br /> <br /> <br />N:\Departments\Community Development\Planning\Case Files\CUP\CU 17-10 MJ Micek Transport\4-Planning Commission\5.2 sr CU 17-10_4- <br />25-17.docx <br />