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2.2 ERMUSR 04-11-2017
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2.2 ERMUSR 04-11-2017
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4/7/2017 4:10:16 PM
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customers as either a charge or a credit. Currently we have a substantial amount <br /> accumulated; approximately $486,000. Mr. Adams shared that although we had <br /> communicated to our customers that a PCA credit would be given on the February bill, <br /> given that we have two known future bondings, it may be reason to reconsider giving the <br /> entire amount back to customers. There was discussion on the pros and cons of retaining <br /> some of the PCA credits. It was noted that a con would be that the bonding is for a future <br /> use, and the accumulated PCAs are for past/current use. Chair Dietz shared that ERMU has <br /> allocated a buffer to help offset the PCA charges; essentially, ERMU will absorb $500,000 <br /> before passing along any PCA charges to their customers. After discussion, Commission <br /> consensus was to distribute half of the accumulated PCA credits back to the customers, and <br /> to retain the other half to be used towards funding the $500,000 buffer for future PCA <br /> charges. Commissioner Westgaard suggested drafting a policy relating to PCA credits to <br /> include guidelines on the percentage we keep, what it will be used for, and what the ceiling <br /> would be on those funds. <br /> Moved by Commissioner Westgaard and seconded by Commissioner Stewart to rebate <br /> 50% of the accumulated PCAs to customers on the next billing,and to retain the other <br /> 50% as an offset to the$500,000 buffer for future PCA charges.Motion carried 4-0. <br /> 4.3 Governance Policy Manual <br /> Mr.Adams shared that with the exception of the by-laws and legal counsel review,the work <br /> associated with Phase 1 has been completed. The policies included in Phase 1 were <br /> approved by the Commission during the February 2017 Commission meeting. Mr. Adams <br /> presented the Phase 2 scope of work from Collaboration Unlimited which included the <br /> development of the delegation to management policies. He explained that after evaluating <br /> the work associated with Phase 2, staff has determined that this is something that would be <br /> difficult to complete in house. Mr. Adams recommended contracting with Collaboration <br /> Unlimited to complete Phase 2 of the governance manual for a fixed fee of$14,500. <br /> Commissioner Thompson shared that his understanding was that the whole project was <br /> going to be completed for the $25,000. Staff responded that the project was divided into <br /> two phases and that the $25,000 only covered Phase 1. The Commission had a few <br /> questions on where they money would come from to cover the fee associated with Phase 2 <br /> of the project. Mr. Adams responded. After discussion, Commission consensus was to <br /> proceed forward with contracting with Collaboration Unlimited to complete the project. <br /> Moved by Commissioner Thompson and second by Commissioner Stewart to approve <br /> contracting with Collaboration Unlimited to complete Phase 2 of the governance <br /> manual for a fixed fee of$14,500. Motion carried 4-0. <br /> 5.0 NEW BUSINESS <br /> Page 4 <br /> Special Meeting of the Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission <br /> March 13,2017 <br /> 39 <br />
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