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Approximately 224 sf will be used for office, and there will be approximately 1,600 sf of mezzanine for <br />storage on the northern quarter of the building. There will be three overhead doors on the west end of <br />the building, and three on the east. The proposed facility will be a block building, and approximately <br />20' -22' high. The new facility is anticipated to generate nearly $11,000 in additional revenue each year <br />upon project completion, in addition to creating five new jobs averaging $23.20/hr. <br />Truck Shop owner, Mr. Beaudry, and project team, met with City Engineer Justin Femrite, and County <br />Engineer, Adam Witter, on January 23, 2017 to discuss future road improvements and the proposed <br />project. Both indicated their support in moving the project forward through the development process <br />based on preliminary sketches. <br />HOURS OF OPERATION <br />Truck Shop will operate 5 days a week (Monday— Friday), 6am -10pm. <br />NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES <br />Truck Shop is a new business and currently has no employees. Mr. Beaudry anticipates creating a total <br />of five new FTE within two years of project completion, with base hourly wages ranging from $16- <br />$28/hr. <br />NUMBER PARKING STALLS <br />There are a total of four parking stalls (1 handicapped) immediately west of the building, 15 north of the <br />building and 13 on the east end of the property. In a meeting with staff on 2- 17 -17, they indicated <br />parking was adequate based on the proposed use. <br />PROPOSED SCREENING <br />Screening will adhere and comply with the city's landscaping ordinance <br />PROPOSED BUILDING MATERIALS <br />The building is proposed to be a block or precast building. <br />SIGNAGE <br />There is no proposed signage for this facility. <br />OUTDOOR STORAGE <br />There will be no outside storage on this site. <br />PROJECT BENEFITS <br />• The redevelopment of four, existing non - conforming residential homes; three which are <br />substandard <br />• The creation of a minimum of five, full -time permanent jobs for local citizens, with base hourly <br />wages ranging from $16- $28 /hr. <br />• New jobs provide higher wage levels to the community & will add value to current workforce <br />skills <br />• Average hourly wage (w /o benefits) of $23.20/hr; with benefits is $27.20/hr <br />