Laserfiche WebLink
Grading/ Drainage <br />Impervious surface on the site is not proposed to change and no grading has been proposed. <br />Parking <br />The use does not require dedicated parking spaces. <br />Signs <br />The proposed sign must follow the requirements for digital changeable copy signs as outlined in section <br />30 -864 (e). <br />(e) Digital changeable copy signs. <br />(1) In addition to subsections (a) and (b), the display must be static, and the transition from one <br />static display to another must be no more than two seconds. The images and messages <br />displayed must be complete in themselves and without continuation in content to the next <br />image, message, or any other sign. <br />(2) May not change more often than once every eight seconds. <br />(3) Digital displays must be equipped with automatic dimming technology or other mechanisms <br />that automatically adjust the signs illumination level based on ambient light conditions. <br />(4) No sign may be of such intensity or brilliance as to impair the vision of a motor vehicle <br />driver with average eyesight or to otherwise interfere with the driver's operation of a motor <br />vehicle. <br />(5) The display must be designed and equipped to freeze the device in one position if a <br />malfunction occurs. The display must also be equipped with a means to immediately <br />discontinue the display if it malfunctions, and the sign owner must immediately stop a <br />digital display when notified by the city that it is not complying with the standards of this <br />ordinance. <br />Applicable Regulation <br />The issuance of a Conditional Use Permit can be ordered only if the use at the proposed location: <br />1. mill not endanger, injure or detrimentally affect the use and enjoyment of otherproperty in the immediate <br />vicinity or the public health, safety, morals, comfort, convenience orgeneral welfare of the neighborhood or the city. <br />The property abuts commercial properties to the north and south, public roadways to the east <br />and west. The location of the sign and resulting illumination are not expected to impact the <br />surrounding properties. <br />2. mill be consistent with the comprehensive plan. <br />The proposed use is consistent with the comprehensive plan. <br />3. mill not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of surrounding vacant property. <br />The surrounding properties are developed, and the proposed use will not impact future <br />improvements to the properties. <br />N: \Departments \Community Development \Planning \Case Files \CUP \CU 17 -05 Bodger- Outffont Media \4Planning Commission \CU 17 -05 PC <br />Staff Report Outfront <br />