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The location of the building does not comply with the setback requirements for the R -4 zoning district. <br />Required setbacks are 30 feet from Jackson Ave, 25 feet along the south property line, and 10 feet from <br />the west property line. The building meets setback requirements for the west property line, but the <br />setback along Jackson Ave is only 10 feet, and the rear yard setback is reduced to 15 feet for <br />approximately half of the building. Staff is comfortable with the encroachment as the curb line for <br />Jackson is actually 25 feet beyond the property line — 35 foot total setback for the building, and the <br />encroachment on the south side of the building abuts a wetland. The reduced setbacks will be described <br />in the PUD agreement. <br />Trash enclosures are required to be screened from view. A detail of the trash enclosure is required. <br />Parking <br />City ordinances require 2.5 parking stalls per residential unit, one of which must be covered. There are 40 <br />covered parking stalls shown on the site plan, but the configuration may make the units located on the <br />ends difficult to use. Additionally, there are 37 parking stalls in the parking lot. City ordinance requires <br />100 parking stalls, but the site plan only includes 77 spaces. The site plan can be amended to include <br />approximately 14 more parking spaces, which would bring the total number of spaces to 91 stalls. Staff <br />recommends amending the site plan to include at least 90 parking stalls, and modifying the garage stalls to <br />improve ingress /egress of the end parking stalls. <br />Grading and Stormwater <br />The city's Stormwater Coordinator has concerns with the current proposal to handle /treat runoff from <br />the subject property. Based on information shown in the soil borings completed on the site, the proposed <br />pond may not infiltrate as initially proposed. Staff will continue to work with the applicant and the site <br />engineer to address these concerns, and ensure it satisfies city ordinances. <br />The grading plan must be updated to show where the contour lines of the subject site tie into adjacent <br />properties. Grades along 6`'' street are not show in enough detail to ensure positive drainage away from <br />the street and trail. An updated grading plan is required. <br />Landscaping <br />City ordinance requires 31 trees. A landscaping plan has not yet been received, but must include at least <br />15 overstory trees, 8 ornamental trees, and 8 coniferous trees. Specific seed mixes for the stormwater <br />basin also need to be shown in the plans. An in ground irrigation system for all turf areas is also required. <br />Building <br />The three story apartment building includes a deck or exterior access for each unit, and the building <br />envelope is covered with siding. Siding materials and colors must be submitted, and at least two materials <br />(siding, brick, stone, stucco, etc.) need to be included on all facades. A colored elevation of each facade is <br />required. <br />Applicable Regulations <br />Zone Change <br />In reviewing a proposed amendment, consideration shall be given to existing conditions witbin the area directly and indirectly <br />affected by the proposal, the conservation of propero values, the use to wbicb the property affected is being devoted at the time, <br />and relevant provisions, if any, in the land use plan. <br />N: \Departments \Community Development \Planning \Case Files \CUP \CU 17 -04 Briggs Companies \4 - Planning Commission \6.2 sr Briggs ZC and <br />PUD.docx <br />