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<br />Elk River City Council Minutes <br />March 15. 1999 <br /> <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />5. <br /> <br />Open Mike <br /> <br />No one appeared for open mike. <br /> <br />6.1. Reauest by Art Peterson for Preliminary & Final Plat Approval (Star Liaht Estates) , <br />Public Hearinq, Case No. P 99-3 <br /> <br />Planning Assistant Scott Harlicker indicated that Art Peterson is requesting <br />Preliminary and Final Plat approval for the plat of Star Light Estates. Scott <br />explained that the applicant is proposing to plat 16.29 acres into one residential <br />lot of 2.5 acres and one outlot of 13.35 acres. Scott Harlicker reviewed the staff <br />report on this issue. He stated that the Park and Recreation Commission will <br />address park dedication fees at the time the outlot is developed. No fees are <br />currently due, as a house currently exists on the platted property. Scott further <br />indicated that the St. Louis Park Gun Club abuts the applicant's property on the <br />north, and has expressed concern about the impact of the proposed plat. <br /> <br />Mayor Klinzing opened the public hearing. <br /> <br />Vie Arshamble - President of the St. Louis Park Gun Club, noted the Gun Club's <br />concerns regarding the vicinity of the outlot. He stated that when the outlot is <br />developed, the range would be less than 500 feet from the developed outlot <br />which would put the Gun Club out of compliance with the firearms ordinance. <br />Mr. Arshamble stated that the gun club does not want to relocate the trap shoot <br />area because the only place to relocate would be onto a preserved prairie. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Discussion was held regarding the impact the proposed plat would have on the <br />st. Louis Park Gun Club. It was noted that the Gun Club has been in existence for <br />many years, and has been a good neighbor. The Council discussed the <br />consequences of developing the outlot. The question arose as to whether the <br />gun club would be out of compliance or whether the city should prohibit <br />development until compliance is met. Counsel Beck indicated that there would <br />be a conflict with the firearms ordinance, however, a decision would be made at <br />the time a development proposal is brought forward. <br /> <br />George Zabee indicated that the issue should be dealt with prior to the sale of <br />the outlot. Mr. Zabee suggested that the Attorney research the possibility of <br />grandfathering the Gun Club, and the possibility of a variance for the Gun Club. <br /> <br />Cliff Lundberg indicated that the Gun Club is an Elk River facility. He stated that <br />the only way to resolve the issue is to revise the firearms ordinance. <br /> <br />Discussion was held regarding the possibility of the Gun Club purchasing land <br />from Mr. Peterson. Mr. Peterson indicated that he is not in a position to sell at this <br />time, however, it could be a possibility in the future. <br /> <br />Discussion was held as to whether the intent of the firearms ordinance is to deal <br />with plats or lots. Also discussed was the issue of whose responsibility it is to <br />provide the 500 foot buffer, the property owner or the gun club. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Mayor Klinzing left the public hearing open to allow for public comment when this <br />issue is brought back to the council. <br />