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MORATORIUM EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 14, 2017 ON ALL OF THE FOLLOWING LOAD CONTROL <br /> PROGRAMS; WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING PROGRAM. <br /> ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES <br /> Energy Management Rates <br /> Available: Within Elk River Municipal Utilities (ERMU) established service territory. <br /> Applicable: To single family residences, non-demand and demand customers receiving service <br /> under another rate, who add a second meter for any of the following controlled loads: <br /> Dual Fuel Space Heating Rate: This Program is available to residential customers only. A <br /> dual fuel space heating system consists of an electric heating system and a secondary non- <br /> electric space heating system both capable of heating the living space at design conditions. <br /> Interruptions of the electric heating system will usually occur for up to 12 hours daily on peak <br /> winter days and a maximum of 400 hours per heating season. <br /> To qualify for the special rate, the customer shall provide: <br /> 1. An electric space heating system which can be interrupted by a single 5 amp rated relay. <br /> 2. A secondary non-electric space heating system capable of automatic start-up and <br /> continuous operation upon interruption of the electric heating system. <br /> 3. Obtain a load control device furnished by ERMU. <br /> 4. Accommodations for a meter and load control device and associated wiring installed <br /> according to the applicable electrical codes, and installed by a qualified electrician. <br /> 5. Inspection by a State certified electrical inspector and a representative of ERMU. <br /> 6. Radiant heat in the slab of the building qualifies for dual fuel, not electric thermal storage. <br /> 7. Dual Fuel is not allowed in garages, pole sheds, or any structure that does not confirm to <br /> the residential building code. <br /> 8. Exceptions by management approval only. <br /> Elk River Municipal Utilities shall provide: <br /> 1. All electric energy consumed by the primary electric heating system at$.0585 per kWh. <br /> 2. The rate is subject to application of the Power Cost Adjustment(PCA). <br /> 3. During peak load conditions, ERMU will turn customer controlled electrical heat off for <br /> extended periods of time as stated above. <br /> 4. A meter to measure electricity consumed by the electric heating system. <br /> 5. A load control device and meter socket to accommodate the meter. <br /> Electric Vehicle Charging Rate: This Program is available to all customers of ERMU that own <br /> an electrically powered vehicle used for on road transportation. Charging of the vehicle can <br /> occur any time but will be subject to "on-peak" and "off-peak" energy charges per hour daily. Off <br /> peak hours typically occur between 11 PM and 7 AM and all other hours are considered "on- <br /> peak". <br /> To qualify for the special rate, the customer shall provide: <br /> 135 <br />