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5.3 PCSR 01-24-2017
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5.3 PCSR 01-24-2017
Entry Properties
Last modified
1/20/2017 3:30:40 PM
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1/20/2017 3:28:41 PM
City Government
CU 17-02 ZC 17-02
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Parcel 1: <br />Parcel 2: <br />ATTACHMENT 1— LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />The Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SE1 /4 NW1 /4) lying easterly of that <br />portion taken for Trunk Highway #169 and the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast <br />Quarter in Section Three (3), in Township Thirty -three (33), North, of Range Twenty -six <br />(26) West. Sherburne County, Minnesota. <br />LESS AND EXCEPT: <br />That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 3, Township 33, <br />Range 26 that lies within the bounds of the following described land: The North 602 feet <br />of the West 412 feet of the NE1 /4 of the SE1 /4 of Section 3, Township 33, Range 26, <br />Sherburne County, Minnesota. Together with all that part of the South Half of the NE1 /4 <br />of said Section 3, described as beginning at the Northwest corner of said NE1 /4 of <br />SE1 /4, thence West assumed bearing along the South line of the South Half of the NE1 /4 <br />a distance of 155.67 feet to intersect the centerline of Baldwin Street N W as now laid <br />out and travelled; thence North 30 °32'15" East along said centerline a distance of <br />647.00 feet. thence South 34 048' East a distance of 416.42 feet more or less to intersect <br />the Northerly extension of the East line of said West 412 feet of the NE1 /4 of the SE1 /4, <br />thence South 0 °20'30" West along said Northerly extension a distance of 215.32 feet <br />more or less to intersect said South line of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter <br />thence West along said South line 412.01 feet more or less to the point of beginning. <br />Abstract property <br />AND <br />The Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter (SE1 /4 of NE1 /4), and the Northeast <br />quarter of the Southeast quarter (NE1 /4 of SE1 /4) in Section Three (3), in Township <br />Thirty -three (33), North, of Range Twenty -six (26) West. Sherburne County, Minnesota. <br />LESS AND EXCEPT: <br />That part of the following described land that lies within the bounds of the NE1 /4 of <br />SE1 /4 and the SE1 /4 of NE1 /4 of Section 3, Township 33, Range 26 The North 602 feet of <br />the West 412 feet of the NE1 /4 of the SE1 /4 of Section 3, Township 33, Range 26, <br />Sherburne County, Minnesota. Together with all that part of the South Half of the NE1 /4 <br />of said Section 3, described as beginning at the Northwest corner of said NE1 /4 of <br />SE1 /4, thence West assumed bearing along the South line of the South Half of the NE1 /4 <br />a distance of 155.67 feet to intersect the centerline of Baldwin Street N W as now laid <br />out and travelled, thence North 30 °32'15" East along said centerline a distance of <br />647.00 feet. thence South 34 °48' East a distance of 416.42 feet more or less to intersect <br />the Northerly extension of the East line of said West 412 feet of the NE1 /4 of the SE1 /4, <br />thence South 0 °20'30" West along said Northerly extension a distance of 215.32 feet <br />more or less to intersect said South line of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter <br />thence West along said South line 412.01 feet more or less to the point of beginning <br />Abstract property <br />Which lies west of said centerline of Baldwin Street NW. <br />[ ) Bearings and /or dimensions listed within brackets are per plat or record documents. <br />
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