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SUPPLEMENT TO APPLICATION FOR <br />APPOINTMENT TO ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br />ver <br />CONTACT INFORMATION (public) <br />The following information will be used to contact you in the event that you are appointed to a board <br />or commission. This information is public once you are appointed and may be released upon request. <br />Residential Address: 15681 Andrie St NW, Ramsey NIN 55303 <br />Phone Number: 612 - 860 -6177 <br />9 01 <br />Email: ryanhardinCa) <br />ADDITIONAL CONTACT INFORMATION (private) <br />Please provide any additional contact information that can be used to contact you in the event you <br />are appointed to a board or commission. This information is private and will only be released to city <br />officials and city staff whose work assignments require access. <br />Work Phone: 612 - 356 -2002 <br />Cell Phone: 612 - 860 -6177 <br />Other. <br />