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FAIU201 110,111 &VIO I a KOX-3 NITJ 1,101 1 FAL$017i , 1&1111 4 <br />CONTACT INF'OBMAIION (j2ublic) <br />The following information will be used to contact you in the event that you are appointed to a board <br />or commission. This information is publit, once you are appointed and may be released upon request. <br />S, <br />Residential Address: — 2 C� 4", LL� E� �t <br />I hone Number: L-2, L6 :2— <br />AND/OR <br />�i. <br />ADDIDONAL CONJACT INFORMATION �Qrlvatg <br />Please prmTide any additional contact information that can be used to contact you in the event you <br />are appointed to a board or corntlui scion, 'rhis information is pi-vale and will only be released to city <br />officials and city staff whose work assignments require access. <br />Work phone: 2) jj <br />Cell Phone: <br />Other: <br />