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20092 Edison Circle East Clearwater,MN 55320 <br /> (FRANKLIN) 320.558.3000.800.221.4144•fax 320.558.3004 <br /> "Outdoor Advertising SELLS for you all day,every day.' <br /> OUTDOOR ADVERTISING <br /> May 17, 2016 <br /> To: City of Elk River Planning Department, Planning Commission and City Council <br /> Subject: Platting KAF Acres <br /> Greetings Mr. Carlton, Commissioners and Councilors, <br /> We are requesting the platting of Outlot A Elk Path Business Center to Lot 1, Block One 1,KAF <br /> Acres; simultaneously requesting a CUP for a digital sign larger than 30 square feet and a <br /> variance if necessary to relocate the sign out of the wetland buffer zone but within the wetland <br /> setback area. <br /> Approval of the plat will allow us to operate our billboard under the guidelines of the <br /> C-3 zoning district. Our request is to remove the existing old wood polel2x25 billboard sign and <br /> rebuild a new steel single pole 10'x36' with the ability to install a digital face. A conditional use <br /> permit is needed to install a digital sign over 30 square feet. The new sign will match the size of <br /> the other signs we have rebuilt in the city and will remain the principle use of the property. <br /> Our request will move the sign away from the pond,to the berm, and out of the wetland buffer <br /> zone. The new site will also allow us to build a safe distance from the electrical wires and meet <br /> the set back requirements and allow for more work space under the sign. We feel this is in the <br /> best interest of all involved and ask that you waive the variance fee because we are improving <br /> the current nonconformity. <br /> The new site is supported by Environmental Technician Kristen Mroz. <br /> Our request will meet all performance standards of the C-3 zone and as well move towards <br /> conformance with a single pole sign and moving out of the buffer zone. <br /> Upon application, staff had comments. We have addressed most of the comments on the final <br /> survey and with the following comments. <br /> Temporary access from hwy 10 will be used during the construction phase of this project. An <br /> application has been submitted to the MNDOT. Regular and ongoing maintenance will use old <br /> Waco St to access the sign. <br /> We will provide erosion control as necessary during construction with silt fences during <br /> excavation. All disturbed ground will be repaired, seeded or planted. Landscaping block will be <br /> used where necessary. We anticipate similar landscaping as our sign on hwy 169 near Main St. <br /> Our survey indicates the elevation at the sign site is 4 feet lower than the road grade; therefore <br /> the maximum overall height of the sign cannot exceed 39 feet from grade. <br /> In summary we are asking for your approvals to help us improve and update our business <br /> operation on the west side of Elk River. <br /> Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to discussing this at the next <br /> available meeting. Should you have any questions, I can be reached at 763-286-2009. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Steven L. Anderson <br />