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Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 <br /> April 26,2016 <br /> Mr. Leeseberg introduced BrieAnna Simon,Planner. <br /> 6.1 Eric Sandstrom — 18049 Joplin Street NW <br /> • Conditional Use Permit for private kennel — Case No. CU 16-11 <br /> Chris Leeseberg presented the staff report. Mr. Lees eberg noted that he had just received an <br /> email that day with photos and videos of Mr. Sandstrom's dogs from an adjacent neighbor, <br /> requesting that the CUP be denied. The neighbor cited concerns with aggressive behavior of <br /> the dogs. <br /> Staff recommended approval of the request with the 13 conditions listed in the report and a <br /> 14th condition that the east and south property lines be fenced with a 6-foot high opaque <br /> privacy fence. <br /> Commissioner Konietzko asked for clarification on"privacy fence". Mr. Leeseberg stated <br /> that privacy means you cannot see through it. Mr. Leeseberg noted that the northern-most <br /> portion of the fence on the east side of the property cannot be over 30 inches tall for the <br /> first 10 feet back from the front property line,per city ordinance. <br /> Chair Johnson opened the public hearing. <br /> Eric Sandstrom, applicant—stated that all of his animals are"fixed" and he has no <br /> intentions of breeding dogs. He explained that his dogs are "rescue" dogs. He noted that <br /> the neighbors also have a dog. Mr. Sandstrom explained that the dog in the video shown <br /> jumping above the fence level is a boxer named Muppet and that she has never left the yard, <br /> even with the door open. He stated the CUP is necessary because they are taking on a 4th <br /> dog,a deaf French Bulldog. He stated that the dogs do run up and down the fence,but they <br /> have had no incidents, other than they had to ask the neighbor's kids to stop throwing rocks <br /> at the dogs. He stated that requiring the 6-foot privacy fence would be expensive and asked <br /> that he have some time to complete that condition,if the Planning Commission <br /> recommended it. <br /> Discussion followed regarding whether or not a variance could be approved to allow the <br /> fence to be 6-foot high at the front yard setback, since city ordinance allows only a 30-inch <br /> high fence, 10 feet back from the property line, due to proximity to the street and keeping <br /> sight lines clear. <br /> Commissioner Thiel stated he was not comfortable adding the requirement to build a 6-foot <br /> privacy fence, since the applicant is not causing any new conditions, and is just adding <br /> another dog. <br /> Angie Shay, 13389 180 1/2 Circle NW—stated that the dogs have gotten out and she <br /> returned them to the fenced area, approximately two years ago. She stated that the kids have <br /> to get on the bus in this area and that the dogs charge the chain link fence,barking. She <br /> stated that the dogs are often barking and feels it is a nuisance for her to be outside. <br />