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MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES <br />CENTRAL REGION <br />Vr 1200 WARNER ROAD <br />SAINT PAUL, MN 55106 <br />651-259-5800 <br />MNDNR <br />Date: 02/23/2016 <br />Addressee: Kristin Mroz <br />Environmental Administrator -City of Elk River <br />13065 Orono Parkway <br />Elk River, MN 55330 <br />Re: DNR recommendation of denial for proposed development by Modern Construction on Lot4, <br />Block 1, Mississippi Second Addition, Case No. CU 16-02 <br />Dear Kristin: <br />The DNR has reviewed the above referenced proposed development on the south side of Yale Court <br />NW pursuant to Minnesota Rules 6105.0140. There are several issues that do not fit well within the <br />administrative rules. The proposed setback from the bluff is 0 feet, there is too much impervious <br />surface and need more open space, the proposed height of the building is too high, and the city has <br />calculated that there is insufficient parking available. Therefore the DNR recommends denial of the <br />proposal. <br />The DNR appreciates the design and amenities proposed but can see the need for more room to <br />meet setbacks, open space, and be outside the shore impact zone in order that the height of the <br />proposed structure is not a limitation. <br />:Sincerely, ,r� <br />Rage Sira(IaI' <br />Area Hydrologist <br />320-223-7850 <br /> <br />DNR Area Office <br />1035 South Benton Drive <br />Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 <br /> <br />Ob PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER CONTAINING A MINIMUM OF 10% POST -CONSUMER WASTE. <br />#64 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. <br />