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Storm Water: <br />The property will be re -platted prior to the project beginning to remove the area needed for the Yale Ct <br />extension. After the property is re -platted the site will be less than 1 acre and therefore not require an <br />NPDES permit. <br />Soil testing to confirm ground water levels is planned to begin after the project is approved from the <br />planning commission and city council and will be part of the final PUD requirements. At this time a <br />Variance to allow for an 18" separation is requested since the lower lever is a parking garage and not a <br />habitable space. Additionally, we will install active pumps and water management to prevent the <br />ground water from permeating into the lower parking garage floor. Current plans and ground water <br />levels suggest we will have 2' of separation. <br />Extension of the existing stormwater pond will result in the proposed site not being compatible with the <br />Ecology project. All efforts to redesign the project have not worked, as such, it is requested that the <br />storm water pond expansion be limited to the extent it does not impact the current site design. I have <br />enlisted an engineer to review the feasibility report provided by the city to help determine if other <br />options exist for stormwater management. Attached is a written narrative of other options at the cities <br />disposal for stromwater management. The FAST plan is not finalized and as such it is open to the <br />possibility of redesign and the timetable for the proposed expansion is not set in stone therefore I <br />believe it would be inappropriate to prevent this project from moving forward under the presumption <br />that the existing stromwater plan would need to be expanded when alternative options are feasible. I <br />request the planning commission recommend Ecology with the understanding that future stormwater <br />needs can be addressed if needed in other manners. I believe such a significant building as ecology and <br />the 5 acres of land the city will acquire along the Mississippi River will have a far more positive impact <br />on the future of the area and the city as a whole then a .1 acre expansion to a stormwater plan. <br />Fire Department: <br />The site plan has been update to show proposed fire access lanes that should meet the requirements <br />