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FROM LARKIN. HOFFMAN LAW 16TH 612 896 3334 04. 12. 1993 15:42 P. 3 <br /> Based on the documents reviewed, the owner of the Sunshine Depot property will be able to claim . <br /> rights to at least the center line of the remaining 20 foot alley in the event it is vacated. Again, it is <br /> also possible that the Sunshine Depot owner will be able to claim the entire 20 feet based on the <br /> argument that the entire 20 feet would have accrued to the Sunshine Depot site if it had been vacated <br /> at the time of the vacation of the other 78 feet back in 1890. I have not researched the rather esoteric <br /> issue of whether vacation of the alley would cause only half of the alley or all of the alley to accrue to <br /> the Sunshine Depot site since a quit claim deed will be required from the owner of the Sunshine Depot <br /> either way. I suspect that it may be somewhat difficult to find an answer to theuestion; however I <br /> will do some additional research on it if the answer is of significance to the City (forexample, in the <br /> event that it may be important in determining how much consideration, if any, to pay to the owner of <br /> the Sunshine Depot for its interest in the alley, if vacated). <br /> Please let me know if you have any questions or if you desire any additional information. <br /> • • <br /> • <br />