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5.0.-11.0. EDSR 05-09-1994
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5.0.-11.0. EDSR 05-09-1994
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APR 18 '94 15:01 CHICAGO TITLE P.2 <br /> •• Sofie Carton, a widow, and Paul and Highway Easement <br /> Lois E. Carton, his wife Dated July 2, 1969 <br /> Filed Feb. 16, 1971 at 9 Au1. <br /> -to- Recorded as Inst. No. 114066 <br /> Consideration $1 ,570.80 <br /> County of Sherburne Grants All that part of the following <br /> described tracts: <br /> The SW; of SE; of Section 28, Township 33, North of Range 26 West lying East of the <br /> Railroad right of way; the W!; of N11, of 5E; of Section 28, Township 33 North Range 26 !. <br /> west and the NE4 of SW"; of Section 28, Township 33 North Range 26 vest lying East of <br /> Railroad right of way and further described as follows: Which lies southwesterly of <br /> a line run parallel with and distant 60 feet Northeasterly and also which lies j <br /> Northeasterly of a line run parallel with and distant 60 feet Southwesterly of <br /> the following described line: Beginning at a point on or near the Southeast corner of <br /> said SIP.; of SEIA thence North 0°32' 45" East a distance of approximately 56.6 feet <br /> to the point of beginning of a 4°40' curve to the left thence Northwesterly of center <br /> line of said 4°40' curve a distance of 694.7 feet thence Horth 30°13'00" West a <br /> distance of approx. 1 , 120.1 feet to the point of beginning of a 4'301 curve to the <br /> left thence Northwesterly on center line of said 4°30' curve a distance of 1 ,331 .7 <br /> feet thence South 89021 '40" West a distance of 500 feet and there terminating'. <br /> And also that part of said tract which lies 66 feet Westerly of a line run parallel <br /> with and distant 66 feet Easterly of the following described line: Beginning at the <br /> point where center line of the above described line intersects the Great Northern <br /> Railway right of way line, thence North 23°43'30" West on said Railway right of way <br /> a distance of aprox. 366 feet to a point on or near the North line of the Southwest <br /> • Quarter of said Section 28. Containing 7.854 Acres of land more or less, in addition <br /> to existing highway right of way. <br /> ..8r,r.,..r:;. •. . <br /> --4 -- Sofie Carton, a widow; and Paul Quit Claim Deed (for reference only) <br /> Carton and Lois E. Carton, Dated April 3, 1974 <br /> husband and wife Filed Aug. 22, 1974 at 2 P.M. <br /> • Recorded as Inst. No. 128564 <br /> • <br /> -to- Consideration $1 .00 and other. .. •' <br /> Quit Claims that part of the SEDC of. <br /> Elk River Associated Investors, Sl11 of Section 28, Township 33, Range 26 <br /> Inc. , a Minnesota Corporation that lies Northerly of the Railroad <br /> right of way running from Elk River to <br /> Big Lake and Southwesterly of the Railroat <br /> right of way running from Elk River <br /> to Princeton; Lot 9 and Lot 10 of <br /> Auditor's Subdivision No. 3 in the <br /> Village of Elk River; That part of the Southwest Quarter of- the Southeast Ouarter <br /> Section 28, Township 33, Range 26 that lies Southwesterly of the Railroad right of <br /> way running from Elk River to Princeton; <br /> • Sellers to provide a 66 ft. easement over presently owned property in order <br /> for purchasers to enter newly acquired property from the east. <br />
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