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• <br /> SEQUIN HOSPITAL BED CORPORATION <br /> 575 Union Blvd., Suite 109 <br /> Lakewood, Colorado 80228 <br /> (303) 980-1600 <br /> PROJECTED COMPANY LOCATION: <br /> The Company is open to a location for its headquarters/manufacturing facility. The <br /> Company desires 10,000 square feet (7,000 sq. ft. manufacturing, 3,000 sq. ft. office) <br /> expandable to 30,000 square feet. Three phase electric is required as is a ceiling height <br /> of at least 12'. Highway access is a necessity. <br /> COMPANY BACKGROUND/HISTORY: <br /> SeQuin Hospital Bed Corporation is an early stage Colorado corporation incorporated in <br /> 1992. <br /> The Founders have researched, developed,and patented a relatively low cost, kinetic <br /> oscillating bed. The SeQuin bed is specifically designed for the prevention and treatment <br /> of pulmonary complications and pressure ulcers, providing positive therapeutic results for <br /> those confined to bed because of illness, surgery, age, or disability. The SeQuin bed is <br /> less labor intensive, performs better and costs less than many alternative beds or turning <br /> solutions. <br /> The specialty bed market encompasses four major manufacturers, a number of smaller <br /> manufacturers, with over 30 beds and related products that incorporate some form of <br /> oscillation or pressure reduction. SeQuin's founders believe, and market research <br /> confirms, that its beds will gain rapid acceptance because of their relatively low cost and <br /> their ability to rotate a patient 40 degrees to each side. <br /> In addition to their significantly lower cost and therapeutic value, SeQuin beds will <br /> substantially reduce the manpower required to rotate patients manually and reduce the risk <br /> of back or other injuries to those actually turning the patient. <br /> • <br />