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• _ AMU Corporation <br /> Page 2 <br /> completed on site, the all-inclusive system is quickly fitted to any standard wheelchair. <br /> The system's personally contoured impression foam and sculptured foam base provide <br /> total contact support and distribute weight evenly for superior pressure relief. This <br /> custom made system also provides comfortable restraint-free solutions for lateral leaning, <br /> pelvic tilt or rotation, and spinal curvatures while giving stability and proper support. <br /> Custom Care fits any standard wheelchair in minutes, eliminates sling-seat hammocking, <br /> can be reclined, is incontinent proof, lightweight, washable and carries a two year <br /> warranty. <br /> MARKET: <br /> The Seating and Positioning market is based on approximately 500,000 new wheelchairs <br /> which are sold in the United States each year. Most wheelchair users need some type of <br /> positioning. There will be population turnover, as well as growth, within the long-term <br /> care market. <br /> • "Nearly 1.8 million people were living in nursing homes in 1990." Minneapolis Star and <br /> Tribune, 6-28-93. <br /> "For nursing homes, the critical group is people 85 and older, which happens to be the <br /> fastest growing part of the elderly population. By the year 2000, their numbers are <br /> projected to swell by 40 percent and to double by 2010...most nursing home residents are <br /> on Medicaid" Minneapolis Star and Tribune, 3-3-94. <br /> Additional markets include In-home (larger and growing faster than Nursing Homes), <br /> Pediatrics, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Spinal Injuries, office workers, etc. <br /> Proprietary Position <br /> There is no other custom made product on the market which can be simply formed and <br /> easily applied in large quantities for a reasonable price. <br /> The health care industry is driven by products that are medicare/Medicaid reimbursable. <br /> This requires that a positioning device must be custom made for an individual patient <br /> (versus "off the shelf') before approval of payment is granted. <br /> • <br />