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OOPS Videoconferencing, Inc. <br /> Page 3 <br /> S <br /> MARKET: <br /> The markets for the OOPS family of products range from the newly emerging Internet <br /> market to the established long-distance telephone market, all of which either are or will <br /> be very large. <br /> Equipment Manufacturers: <br /> Discussions are in the process with a major U.S. computer modem manufacturer to <br /> include the OOPS software in modems shipped to its customers. If agreement is reached, <br /> quantities would be significant and significant royalties would be generated. <br /> The major personal computer manufacturers are all promoting the sale of full featured <br /> PC's, frequently loaded with popular software such as Microsoft Office and other <br /> packages. None currently offers a standard based audio or video software package with <br /> their computers. Contacts with several large PC manufacturers are planned to determine <br /> their interest in the OOPS products. <br /> Personal users: <br /> Many of the millions of individual Internet subscribers throughout the world are potential <br /> • customers. They will be able to purchase the audio and video software from an Internet <br /> web site in the Fall of 1997. The web site is in place and is positioned at a site location <br /> along with other products for use with Microsoft Windows 95. <br /> Software will be priced at $49.00 plus shipping and handling. The audio only package <br /> will include a head-set and two copies of the software. <br /> COMPETITION: <br /> Many major and start-up companies are in the process of developing Internet products <br /> and other telecommunications products. Microsoft and Intel have announced that they <br /> are working on a standards based audio and video Internet product. White Pines <br /> Software currently offers a limited use non-standard video product. The White Pines <br /> product called "Cu-SeeMe" has a very small video screen and is hard to install. OOP's <br /> management recent attempt to down load the Cu-See Me product from the Internet took <br /> several hours to complete versus loading the OOPS product in several minutes. <br /> • <br />