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t <br /> Anoka-Hennepin Secondary Technical Education Program <br /> Secondary 1353 West Highway 10 • Anoka, MN 55303 <br /> t'nical School Office: (763)' 433-4000 • FAX (763) 433-4003 ' <br /> .ducaiioil <br /> program • . - : . . .. ..... :::,....::.:i...:,...:.:: .,.-z:.i.1:,:..::::.i:,,I.:,::. ii• <br /> � <br /> WhAT Is STEp? WHAT do STUdENTS SAy ABOUT STEp? <br /> Secondary Technical Education Program Step students, who are they?You may have <br /> (STEP) is a high school in a college setting where stu- read and heard that STEP is a "middle place <br /> dents explore careers, take academic courses, and have between the high school and college". We hope <br /> the opportunity to earn high school and college credit. through the following testimonials you may <br /> derive just exactly what a STEP student is all <br /> STEP is an option for about. <br /> 4 Students in grade 11 and 12 <br /> What is an ACT student, by Corey, Grade 11, <br /> "I Students who learn best in "hands-on" activities ACT program <br /> 4 Students who want to explore advanced career An ACT student is in a transitional program <br /> and technical education between high school and college where they <br /> 4 Students who are ready to prepare for highly earn high school credits, college credits, and <br /> skilled technical workplaces. complete graduation standards. An ACT stu- <br /> dent is preparing for the high tech, high skill <br /> WhAT ABOUT TRANSPORTATION? workplace. This is a great opportunity to expe- <br /> rience college life and earn college credits <br /> Students who attend STEP full days may drive while still in high school <br /> or take the bus from the home high school. Students <br /> who attend half days must take the bus from the home <br /> high school. I wanted a different atmosphere, by Nickky, <br /> Grade 11 <br /> WHAT IS TI-IE SCNEdULE? I decided to attent STEP because I wanted <br /> a different atmosphere. I wanted to see what <br /> Full day students attend a career course plus college was all about before high school was <br /> English and social studies. over. <br /> Half day students attend a career course and <br /> take their remaining courses at the home high school. To challenge myself a little more, by Sara, <br /> Grade 12 <br /> Full DAy HALF DAy • <br /> I decided to come to STEP to challenge <br /> myself a little more. I think it is a much better <br /> All Year • All Year opportunity than the regular high school <br /> (ACT/JAG only) because of all the different options that are <br /> offered to you. Here at STEP you don't have to <br /> Half Year Half Year worry about crowded hallways, or those annoy- <br /> ing bells. <br /> . WI-IAT IS THE REGISTRATION PROCESS? College level training, by Sarah, Grade 12 <br /> All registration is done through the high school I decided to join STEP because I did not <br /> registration process. Please see your guidance want to leave high school completely and go do 41 <br /> counselor for more information. PSEO. I wanted to get some learning in my <br /> field of interest, graphic design, but I didn't <br /> want to miss out on all the things that happen <br /> during my senior year. <br />