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MEMORANDUM <br /> DATE: 9/30/2003 <br /> TO: CATHERINE MEHELICH,DIRECTOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT,CITY OF ELK <br /> RIVER,SID IMAN,EHLERS&ASSOCIATES,INC. <br /> FROM: RICK MARTENS,MANAGER,ELK RIVER BUSINESS PARK,LLC <br /> RE: INDUSTRIAL LAND INCENTIVES <br /> Further to your memorandum dated September 3, 2003 and our subsequent meeting, I am <br /> providing you with my response on several questions that you raised. <br /> 1. Your spreadsheet on our overall land price was missing the storm water management <br /> and paving fee, which is only several cents per square foot, and hence I am using for <br /> this purpose $1.60 per square foot gross. This would be for 2003.We would want to be <br /> able to adjust this in two ways; <br /> a. To reflect pay down on special assessments that we make on our bi-annual <br /> tax payments. <br /> b. To reflect a carry cost factor. <br /> s <br /> 2. We would like to review the job creation criteria and would request that it be broadly <br /> defined to include both full time and full time equivalent jobs. <br /> 3. We would like to exclude lot 1, block 1,which is the parcel on the northeast corner of <br /> our business park,as we view this as a parcel having a higher value and use. <br /> 4. We would request that the city exclude the Brown/EDA property until more progress is <br /> made in the marketing of the immediately adjacent Elk River Business Park. To be <br /> collaboratively marketing the Elk River Business Park and competing with the adjacent <br /> Brown property being marketed directly by the city does not seem appropriate. <br /> 5. With regard to use criteria,we would request that these be defined as broadly as possible <br /> and include, not only manufacturing, but industrial service, repair, maintenance and <br /> R&D. If you look at these kinds of facilities throughout the market area manufacturing <br /> per se represents a clear minority.. Most uses will include a broad variety of space <br /> functions including office and distribution so it becomes important how the use is <br /> defined. A company could certainly be properly labeled a manufacturer but not have a <br /> majority of its space allocated to manufacturing. <br /> • <br />