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City Council Minutes Page 2 <br /> November 8,2004 <br /> benefit increase by the council,which is consistent with the budget and union contract. She <br /> • stated that meetings have been held today with all employee groups. She stated that the two <br /> things evaluated were that employees would not have to change their doctor and premium <br /> differences. <br /> She•explained that Blue Cross/Blue Shield's premiums would have an annual savings over <br /> the amounts paid in 2004 for employees for family coverage of$3,000;for single coverage <br /> of$900. She explained that this plan would be through Central Minnesota Service Co-op, <br /> which serves cities,school districts and other government agencies. She stated that the <br /> Utilities also has their coverage through this co-op. <br /> Councilmember Dietz inquired if the Utilities could go with our group. <br /> Ms.Johnson stated that they could but that they have a different structure. <br /> The Council agreed that the Blue Cross/Blue Shield proposal was the best option available. <br /> It was the consensus of the Council to enter into a contract with Blue Cross/Blue Shield <br /> unless there are renewal or other concerns that the Finance Director may have after meeting <br /> with them in the near future. This item will be placed on the November 15 Council Agenda <br /> for formal action. <br /> 4.2 joint Meeting with EDA to Discuss Industrial Development <br /> President Gongoll called the EDA meeting to order at 6:48 p.m. Members also present <br /> were Larry Koenig and Pat Dwyer. <br /> Executive Director Catherine Mehelich explained that in the past the EDA has directed staff <br /> to work with the private landowners before considering development of city-owned sites. <br /> Over the past 6 months staff has received a number of inquires for the City-owned Cargill <br /> land and the EDA-owned Brown land. Staff has worked with Ehlers&Associates to <br /> analyze the cost barrier and has met with private owners. A draft agreement for joint <br /> marketing and development was provided to landowners in July and to date staff has not <br /> received any comments from the landowners regarding this draft agreement. The strategy is <br /> to put all land in the city on a level playing field and yet be competitive with the market. <br /> Recently the EDA Marketing Committee recommended that the EDA consider opening a <br /> phase of its property for industrial development. <br /> Ms. Mehelich explained that the Cargill property could have the first two lots developed but <br /> that the remainder is not available for development until late 2005. If the YMCA should <br /> • develop on the Brown property, they may need 10 acres,which may include lots 17, 18, 1, <br /> and 2 on the concept design. <br /> She explained how other cities have funded infrastructure improvements: City of Ramsey <br /> with excess revenues from an older TIF District(Elk River doesn't have any),City of Big <br /> Lake with Tax Increment Bond with the city reimbursing itself,or City of Monticello where <br /> the EDA levied$1 million,purchased the first part of the property with that money,makes <br /> payments from the levy and writes down from$3 to$1 per square foot. She stated that the <br /> MN Department of Economic Development has grant money available for cities to open <br /> Industrial Parks and is accepting applications on an open basis. <br /> • She stated that the manufacturers are price sensitive and wish to put as little cash down as <br /> possible. The estimated cost to develop an industrial park on the Brown property owned by <br />