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2004-2007 Economic Development Strategic Plan <br /> EDA Meeting October 11,2004 <br /> Page 2 of 2 <br /> 41) The 2004-2007 Strategic Plan was modified since the July EDA meeting in which the EDA <br /> provided input on Transportation and Commercial Development strategies. <br /> Staff will provide a brief presentation of the priority goals and strategies identified in the <br /> attached 2004-2007 Economic Development Strategic Plan. The strategies are the action <br /> steps which allow staff to move forward to complete research on various issues and bring <br /> information and recommendations back to the EDA, HRA and City Council regarding such <br /> issues as appropriate. If there are specific action steps that a majority of the EDA <br /> Commissioners are in disagreement with, then these steps should be removed from the Plan. . <br /> Action Requested <br /> Staff recommends that following the EDA's feedback on the modified Plan and its <br /> strategies, that the EDA then consider adoption of the modified 2004-2007 Economic <br /> Development Strategic Plan. Following the EDA's adoption of the Plan the HRA and City <br /> Council will be asked to consider the modified Plan at their upcoming meetings. <br /> • <br /> • <br /> F:ASHRDOC\EDA\STRATPLN\2004 Update\10.11.04 EDA.doc <br />