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Tax Abatement Request—Badger Ventures,LLC <br /> May 10,2004 EDA Meeting <br /> Page 2 of 2 <br /> • Staff has been in contact over the past one and a half years with Eric Haehn,Vice President/CFO <br /> of Gradient Technology. The company currently leases space in Blaine, MN and is seeking a <br /> suitable location within the northwest metro area to relocate. <br /> Badger Ventures,LLC proposes to construct a 13,000-square foot light industrial/business park <br /> building for lease to Gradient Technology's office,research&development, and equipment <br /> fabrication operation. Badger Ventures proposes to purchase 2.05-acres within the Elk River <br /> Business Park and has requested that the city and county consider a write down of the land cost <br /> ($143,770) to $0 through a pay-as-you-go note to the limited liability company. <br /> Status <br /> At this time the company has selected a bank lender and proposed financing terms. The financing <br /> proposal includes that the company apply for an EDA Micro Loan in the amount of$100,000 to <br /> supplement sources of private and public financing. The company is currently completing the Micro <br /> Loan application for consideration by the EDA Finance Committee, and recommendation to the <br /> EDA at its June meeting. <br /> The attached Micro Loan Policy describes that loan amounts up to $100,000 through the Industrial <br /> Incentive Program is for the purpose of encouraging industrial development that supports the tax <br /> base and brings quality jobs to the city. The loan is provides at a rate of 4 points below prime, or a <br /> 2% floor,whichever is greater. The criteria includes that the borrower must locate in the West <br /> Business Park. Gradient Technology's site proposal is for the Elk River Business Park, located on <br /> • northeast Highway 169. Staff requests the EDA's feedback on the concept to amend the criteria for <br /> the Industrial Incentive loan program to industrial businesses located at any location in the city. <br /> • <br />