Action Steps Tasks 25 50 75 100
<br />A1 Evaluate existing
<br />programs and services
<br />Resurvey residents; Establish a metric system for the evaluation of city
<br />programs; Eliminate services no longer valuable as once was; Review
<br />programs for three tests: 1. Required/ Mandated/ core service, 2. Quality of
<br />Life, 3. Service that others provide
<br />All Departments
<br />Park and Rec master plan includes a
<br />survey.
<br />Council removed the community
<br />survey.
<br />A2 Redefining government
<br />as customer service
<br />Employee development and retention, customer service training
<br />All Departments
<br />ERMU added CSR training.
<br />Organization wide incident
<br />management and crisis training.
<br />Sunmmer hours. Ongoing
<br />A3 Develop district energy, Job shadowing, IT collaboration
<br />ERMU/Directors/
<br />Finance IT collaboration with SC, ERMU
<br />A4 City day at ER schools Administration
<br />A5 Shift more talking to online. Engineering blog for street assessments
<br />excellent example Communication Ongoing.
<br />A6
<br />Single source for newspaper/ uniform comments Communication
<br />Ongoing. Communications coordinator
<br />routes information for most
<br />departments.
<br />A7 Review programs to protect and enhance existing commercial property and
<br />housing stock
<br />Economic
<br />Development
<br />A8 Conservation Improvement programs: refrig harvest, LED holiday lighting
<br />contest, energy audits, etc.Environmental Ongoing
<br />Action Steps Tasks
<br />B1
<br />Independent review of communication practices Communication
<br />Coordinator is working with individual
<br />departments to assist on their
<br />practices
<br />B2 Statistically significant survey to compare against benchmark established by
<br />2010 survey and drill into specific areas (See also A1)Administration
<br />Budget discussion, 2015. Moved to
<br />2016/Cost $15,000 - 25,000. Removed
<br />by Council.
<br />B3 Shifting more talking to online. Engineering blog for street assessments
<br />excellent example, evaluate website
<br />Communication
<br />Moving towards eliminating Parks &
<br />Rec Guide and city newsletter and
<br />utilizing website and social media
<br />more.
<br />B4 City Day at Schools, Community Education: walking tours, history, water
<br />quality, city stuff
<br />Administration,
<br />Environmental StCloud State walking tour: HPC
<br />B5 Celebrate/ promote national and state wide professional weeks. (e.g. Public
<br />Power week, National Planning month…)All
<br />Streets plans to have annual event
<br />during Natl Public Works Week. ERMU
<br />will recognize Public Power Week in
<br />Oct.
<br />B6 Define/ establish a program and policies to support/ administer special
<br />events hosted by others Parks and Recreation
<br />B7 Expand and enhance events (downtown)
<br />Parks/ Econ
<br />Development
<br />Approved downtown festive lighting
<br />and lighting infrastructure
<br />B8 Explore History Day, art promotion Environmental Art project
<br />B9
<br />Recognize community successes (internally and externally)All
<br />Added frequency of press releases;
<br />Administrator blog. Ongoing
<br />B10 Engage younger populations Parks Skate park advisory committee
<br />B11 Develop tree ordinance CODD
<br />B12 Inject/ preserve nature in visible ways CODD
<br />Twin Lakes Road Beautification
<br />projects
<br />B13 Promote interaction with rivers Parks Bailey Point Park, Houtlon propoerty
<br />B14 Increase volunteerism Implement Volunteer program: Seek opportunities within each department Parks
<br />Volunteer coordinator
<br />Action Steps Tasks
<br />C1 Prepare plans to improve primary intersections with landscaping, lighting,
<br />and hardscaping CODD
<br />Ongoing, implementation pending
<br />state funding
<br />C2 Renovate Orono Park Parks
<br />C3 Improve visual impact into King Avenue Parking lot, Planters downtown CODD
<br />Plans being prepared, downtown tree
<br />replacement started
<br />C4 Introduce public art; Destination-type amenities Econ Development Ongoing, EDA brand scultpure
<br />C5 Implement median and streetscape design and maintenance standards Streets Ongoing, budget permitting
<br />C6 Increase maintenance of Hwy 10/ 169 Code Enforcement Ongoing
<br />C7 Actively enforce zoning and signage standards on primary corridors Code Enforcement Ongoing
<br />C8 Review design standards for all development types Planning 2016 Project
<br />C9
<br />Improve water quality When employing BMP, consider aesthetic component CODD
<br />aesthetics w/b encouraged in BMP
<br />guidelines along w/recommendations
<br />C10 Provide consistent and
<br />expanded signage Review all public signs, make improvements as necessary Communications
<br />Comprehensive sign plan, RFP
<br />advertised. Wayfinding. Wil be long-
<br />term program over 20+ years
<br />Action Steps Tasks
<br />D1 Position land for
<br />development Complete mining area study Planning
<br />D2 ID opportunities to expand Industry/ jobs, in particular data centers. Develop
<br />a business recruitment strategy plan Econ Development Stratigic plan being updated
<br />D3 Explore Fiber Optic expansion via incentives: NEBC, Business parks
<br />Econ Development
<br />Fiber Optic loop installed for
<br />government.
<br />D4 Conservation improvement programs: Technology, rebates, audits, design
<br />assistance Environmental Energy City Action plan
<br />D5 Evaluate objects of Project Conserve; utilize existing programs or redirect
<br />funds to other opportunities Environmental Reviewing
<br />D6 Implement findings and recommendations of 2012 housing study Econ Development Developing Housing TIF protocol
<br />D7 Review opportunities for historic, culturally significant districts; establish
<br />programs to assist low income/ work force housing reinvestment Planning
<br />Action Steps Tasks
<br />E1 Complete the Comprehensive Plan update Planning May 2014 approval
<br />E2 Complete the Park Master Plan Parks Started in January 2014
<br />E3 Complete a communication plan Administration/Comm
<br />unications
<br />Developing a template for staff to
<br />follow to undertand tools and target
<br />audience. Not developing a strategic
<br />plan at this time.
<br />E4 Implement FAST zoning Planning Late 2014, moved up in priority, tabled
<br />E5 Acquire parcels necessary for the implementation of approved plans and
<br />studies.
<br />Economic
<br />Development Projects being actively pursued
<br />E6 Adhere to plans and studies All Benefits of Planning Workshop
<br />E7 Frequent review of pending/ new legislation. Develop policy to comment on
<br />said legislation Adminstration Ongoing
<br />E8 Yearly legislative goals meeting with legislators
<br />Administration &
<br />Communications
<br />E9 Participate in industry agencies. E.g. MMUA, APPA, MRWA, MCFOA, LMNC,
<br />APA, MFSCA, MPWA, MNAPA…All Ongoing
<br />E10 Preservation of assets Complete facility feasibility study/studies to maximize utilization of assets Parks/Finance/Admini
<br />stration Approved study in December 2015
<br />E11 Establish an employee development program Directors/HR
<br />Leadership training through Parks
<br />Department
<br />E12 Encourage growth in Leadership ER CODD EDD 2014 particpant
<br />E13 Expand city services to provide uniform electric utilities service to all
<br />residents of city through organized electric service territory acquisition ERMU
<br />Positive progress w/Connexus.
<br />Collaborative reintegration study
<br />complete. Orderly area acquisition
<br />E14 Seek partnerships and collaboration to acquire Houlton property Parks
<br />E15 Improve terms and/or supplier for wholesale power contract ERMU Contract signed. Transition in 2018.
<br />E16 Promote and highlight successful programs and efforts by employees and
<br />employee teams that reflect positively on Elk River and on public servants
<br />Administration
<br />Ongoing: HDM, Pavement
<br />management plan, franchise fee,
<br />micro/ forgivable loans, Streets
<br />employees assisting domestic situation
<br />Percent complete
<br />Complete
<br />comprehensive plans
<br />Legislative advocacy
<br />Employee development
<br />and retention
<br />Positioning to improve
<br />services and value to
<br />community
<br />Improve, revitalize, and
<br />invest in streetscaping
<br />along primary corridors
<br />and entrances
<br />Goal: Opportunities- Foster a pro-business atmosphere that provides incentives and other opportunities for new and
<br />existing business growth
<br />Facilitate development
<br />and redevelopment to
<br />support rapidly changing
<br />technological advances
<br />Promote and amend
<br />existing programs and
<br />services
<br />Address the housing
<br />needs of current and
<br />future Elk River
<br />residents
<br />Goal: Planning and Positioning. Employ resources toward long range benefit to the community.
<br />Goal: Community Development- Enhance and Expand community involvement and public participation through a
<br />variety of innovative outlets
<br />Evaluate, Enhance and
<br />expand communication
<br />Enhance and Expand
<br />and diversify public
<br />education and outreach
<br />Build Community Spirit
<br />Promote community
<br />brand
<br />Goal: Beautification- Have attractive, welcoming streetscapes at City entrances and primary corridors. Enforce
<br />Zoning Ordinances
<br />City of Elk River 2013-2014 Goals
<br />Abounding in natural beauty, Elk River is a vibrant, historic rivertown that
<br />promotes an active lifestyle in an innovative and involved community offering
<br />unlimited opportunities.
<br />Goal: Innovation- Develop new programs and services to meet the needs of the community
<br />Foster collaborative
<br />opportunities
<br />Enhance communication
<br />Explore and develop
<br />new programs and
<br />services