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IIICommunication Tips <br /> Always Speak into the mi- maps and other visuals make a <br /> crophone. Speak in your nor- conscious effort to raise your <br /> It <br /> mal manner at a moderate head and address the council <br /> N3/4 <br /> sound level. numerous times during the <br /> Don't ask questions once presentation. This will avoid an <br /> people have left the lectern and abundance of"top of the head" <br /> gone back to their seats. Ask shots. <br /> speakers to return to the microHandling on-air audio <br /> phone, or direct the wireless <br /> handheld microphone be given visual problems. Use humor <br /> to the person you will be adou <br /> and stay calm. On major video rcan be heake surea d <br /> dressing, and then ask your and slide presentations, conduct <br /> run-throughs and take great <br /> question. Remember, even <br /> though you and the rest of the care to ensure a smooth presen- <br /> chamber audience can hear,that talion. This is `five" television <br /> doesn't mean the sound is and occasional sound and/or <br /> video problems will occur when <br /> reaching the home audience. <br /> Microphone Placement. you are on-air. Staff should be Place the microphone <br /> The microphones need to be available to solve the problem 4"to S'belowyour <br /> approximately 4" to 5" under and you should continue con- <br /> 410 your chin and clipped directly in ducting the meeting. chin, in the middle of <br /> Help others be beard. <br /> the middle of your chest to your chest. Attach <br /> your tie or shirt. Keep this in Many speakers tend to just start <br /> mind when choosing clothing talking without paying attention it to your tie or shirt <br /> on meeting days. A shirt that to the microphone. If you no- <br /> does not button up would have tice the microphone is off to <br /> to gather material in the center the side, or the speaker has <br /> and place the clip there. We turned away,redirect the person <br /> want to avoid placing micro- back to the mike. A momen <br /> phones on the lapels of jacketstar <br /> 'interruption is preferable to <br /> because if you turn your head in not hearing the person. <br /> the opposite direction of the Citizens may also turn <br /> mike to address someone the around to direct comments to <br /> quality of the audio dramatically the council, board, or commis <br /> decreases. If you have no other sion Sometimes they even walk <br /> choice but to place it on a lapel, to the dais to pass out informs <br /> put it on the side that your head tion. If they are speaking dur- <br /> will be turned to most often. ing any of these times, the <br /> Presentations. Remember home audience will not hear <br /> them. Encourage speakers to <br /> to do an introduction to a video return to the microphone to <br /> or slides to avoid an uncom complete their comments. <br /> fortable silence. When showing <br /> • <br /> Page 2 <br />