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• 3. The projects must be compatible with the Comprehensive Plan and the <br /> development plans and objectives of the City. <br /> 4. A project application requesting a public offering must provide reasonable <br /> assurance of security resulting in at least an A rating. <br /> 5. A project application must demonstrate equity participation of in the form <br /> of cash or depreciable assets. <br /> 6. Industrial and health care projects must not be speculative, i.e., they must <br /> either be for the applicant's sole use or 60% of the square footage must be <br /> pre-leased. <br /> 7. The use of conduit bonding for commercial development shall be limited to <br /> the presently developed areas for the purpose of accomplishing <br /> redevelopment or revitalization. <br /> 8. The total principal amount of tax exempt obligations for a single project will <br /> be limited to the sum of the following costs: <br /> a. Land or land improvements. <br /> b. New construction or existing building improvements for a new, <br /> redeveloped, or expanded business or housing project. <br /> c. Capital equipment and machinery for manufacturing purposes. <br /> d. Fees for professional services associated with the project. <br /> e. Bond issuance costs and capitalized interest during construction. <br /> Those applications which exceed the minimum standards will generally be considered more <br /> favorably than those which only meet these standards. <br /> B. Additional Review Standards <br /> Those applications meeting all of the standards listed above will be further reviewed <br /> to determine compliance with the following additional review standards. <br /> Applications meeting more of the following standards will generally be considered <br /> before those that only meet some of them or meet them less extensively: <br /> • 1. Facilitation of the City's development or redevelopment objectives. <br /> 2. The number and type of additional jobs created or retained in the City. <br /> 2 July 19,2001 <br />