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CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> • visible actions are messages to this attentive customer, from building maintenance (or lack of it) <br /> to window displays to customer service. Every action is a gesture to the consumer. Inactivity or <br /> inattentiveness is interpreted as neglect and will be reciprocated by consumers. Downtown <br /> revitalization depends in large measure on each merchant's taking every opportunity to make <br /> positive symbolic gestures to the consuming public. <br /> Recommendations for Downtown Marketing Program <br /> Recognizing that the three elements listed above are key, the following recommendations reflect <br /> areas within those elements on which to focus. <br /> Create an active downtown business association <br /> Downtown is not just retailers. As shown on Table 2, downtown includes a variety of <br /> businesses. An active downtown business association should include representatives from all <br /> types of businesses, not just retail merchants. A retail subcommittee could be formed as well to <br /> assist with retailers special concerns regarding merchandising, special advertising and <br /> promotions. <br /> The business association should be involved in all of the activities organized for the Downtown. <br /> Professional-service businesses should also realize that they, too, have a stake in attracting <br /> customers to the Downtown. <br /> The Downtown business association can set the tone for the focus of the Downtown to enhance <br /> the environment for all businesses. <br /> Develop An Image or Focus for Downtown <br /> Downtown must be implanted in the consumer's mind as a shopping place, much like a <br /> traditional shopping center. What is fundamentally unique about Downtown is its distinctive <br /> character(location,buildings) and its history. <br /> Downtown must capitalize on its capacity to offer consumers a different shopping environment <br /> which is much more interesting than the traditional shopping center or general merchandise <br /> chain. Downtown can provide for their buying needs in an interesting environment and can offer <br /> them customer service and value. In fact, value is created not only on the basis of price. Value <br /> is created in many ways and many retailers have proven that price is not the only issue. <br /> An awareness of Downtown as a cohesive shopping district and what Downtown has to offer <br /> must be created in consumers' minds. An ongoing advertising campaign that consistently <br /> promotes downtown as a center for shopping will eventually take hold. Promoting downtown <br /> businesses through advertising that identifies what businesses are located in Downtown will also <br /> assist individual merchants and businesses in enhancing customer awareness of their operation. <br /> Promoting Downtown to non-locals through advertising at the local hotels will also serve to <br /> • attract tourists and travelers to businesses Downtown for shopping. <br />