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SUMMARY OF FINDINGS <br /> Core CBD <br /> • • Combined with a lack of vacant parcels and the need to preserve most of the existing <br /> buildings, the Core CBD has fewer opportunities for large-scale redevelopment than the <br /> other two redevelopment areas. However,because of the existing character of the Core CBD <br /> and its location on the River, it has the greatest opportunity for a high-end development that <br /> would capitalize on these amenities. We believe that the demand for 14,000 square feet of <br /> retail space over the next five years should be located in the Core CBD. <br /> • Two areas that should be examined for development and/or redevelopment are the City <br /> parking lot on the east side of Jackson Street and the block along the south side of Main <br /> Street from the Highway 42 bridge up to and including the vacant building at 641 Main <br /> Street (including Nadeau's, US Bank, and the vacant building at 641 Main Street). These <br /> two sites present the best, and perhaps only, options for adding this space. <br /> • One of the Core CBD's greatest assets is the existing supply of older buildings,particularly <br /> the"Brick Block" (the west side of Jackson Avenue). Any new development in the Core <br /> CDB should be designed to fit-in and enhance the existing Downtown buildings character. <br /> Northern Area <br /> • The Northern Area east of Jackson Avenue has a number of properties that are potential <br /> candidates for redevelopment. We believe the Northern Area is better suited for office <br /> development and some housing than retail, since the area does not have great access and <br /> visibility from Highway 10 and most potential retailers would likely shy away from this area, <br /> in favor of better visible shopping space in the Core CDB or along Highway 169. <br /> • We believe that a high priority of the City should be retaining the existing Post Office on <br /> Irving Avenue and 3r1 Street. We believe that the three parcels to the north of the Post <br /> Office, currently developed with older single-family homes,present themselves as expansion <br /> options to the Post Office. <br /> • The Northern Area west of Jackson Avenue presents greater redevelopment challenges <br /> because of the existing industrial uses. Since most non-industrial uses prefer not to be <br /> located adjacent to industrial properties, much of the entire area would need to be <br /> redeveloped at once if the area were to be redeveloped with other uses. We believe that <br /> redevelopment of this area is a long-term planning project that should be a lower priority <br /> than the remaining Downtown Area,but still a consideration for the future. <br /> Western Transition Area <br /> • The Western Transition Area is a mix of single-family housing (to the west) and offices and <br /> limited retail (to the east). This area has easy pedestrian access to the Core CBD and a <br /> portion also has River frontage, which is a highly desirable amenity to potential residents of <br /> multifamily housing. Thus,we believe that this area has a high potential for redevelopment <br /> to multifamily housing and some additional offices. <br /> • <br /> MAXFIELD RESEARCH INC. 5 <br />