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HRA Agenda Memo <br /> January 22,2001 Meeting <br /> Page 2 <br /> 41111 7. Downtown Redevelopment Plan Update <br /> Staff has met with Planning,Building and Engineering departments to discuss the <br /> resources needed and assigned tasks to begin the inventory portion of the <br /> Downtown Redevelopment Plan. In the next three months staff will be working <br /> with the various departments to compile an inventory of the following items: <br /> • Existing Land Uses <br /> • General Building Conditions (Structural/Maintenance/Historical) <br /> • Recent Investments <br /> In addition,outside factors that impact downtown will be identified and analyzed. <br /> These factors include: <br /> • Transportation <br /> • Traffic <br /> • Vehicle/pedestrian links <br /> • Parking <br /> • Market demands/position/competition <br /> • Office/Retail/Housing <br /> The HRA at its 11/27/00 meeting directed staff to research the cost and options for <br /> hiring a qualified consultant to complete the market analysis component of the plan. <br /> . Attached is a memo from Assistant Director,Marc Nevinski regarding staff's review <br /> and recommendation for completion of the market analysis. <br /> Completion of a market analysis is a critical component for identifying realistic <br /> redevelopment opportunities within the downtown and in attracting developers to <br /> consider redevelopment projects. It should be noted that a market analysis has never <br /> been completed as part of the last five downtown Elk River plans. Since the strong <br /> movement of retail to Highway 169,it is becoming increasingly important to identify <br /> a realistic market position for the central business district in order for it to survive. <br /> 8. Update on Housing Programs <br /> Attached is a memo from Assistant Director,Marc Nevinski regarding staff's review <br /> and recommendation for the HRA's participation in various housing programs <br /> provided by the MN Housing Finance Agency (MHFA). <br /> 9. Other Business <br /> The City's new financial advisors, Ehlers & Associates, has offered to present a <br /> worksession for the City Council,EDA and HRA on the topic of Tax Increment <br /> Financing, Tax Abatement and Business Subsidies. The purpose of the joint <br /> worksesssion is to provide an opportunity for new officials and incumbents to <br /> become more familiar with the basics of these economic development finance tools <br /> • prior to evaluating a specific development project. Staff proposes that a joint <br /> worksession be scheduled for Monday, February 5, 2001 at 6:00 P.M. <br />