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Page 6 <br /> City Council Minutes <br /> • April 4, 1988 <br /> there is no reason to reconsider these elements as it will result in <br /> delaying the entire project. <br /> The City Administrator indicated that if the four or five commercial <br /> properties west of Lowell Avenue were added, it would add to the expense <br /> of the project and more than likely would not decrease the assessment <br /> amount to the property owners. <br /> Councilmember Tralle indicated that he agreed with the City <br /> Administrator and also with Mayor Gunkel in that changing the assessment <br /> district would delay the project. <br /> COUNCILMEMBER DOBEL MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 88-23, A RESOLUTION <br /> ORDERING THE IMPROVEMENT IN THE MATTER OF THE DOWNTOWN BEAUTIFICATION <br /> IMPROVEMENTS OF 1987. COUNCILMEMBER TRALLE SECONDED THE MOTION. <br /> Councilmember Schuldt indicated that he has heard many indirect negative <br /> comments from the business people (tenants) regarding the downtown <br /> project. He stated he had hoped that the people would have come forward <br /> and personally voiced their concerns, but has not heard any first hand <br /> objections since the start of the project and noted that because of this <br /> he would be voting to order the improvement. <br /> THE MOTION CARRIED 5-0. <br /> COUNCILMEMBER TRALLE MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 88-24, A RESOLUTION <br /> ADOPTING THE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL IN THE MATTER OF THE DOWNTOWN <br /> BEAUTIFICATION IMPROVEMENTS. COUNCILMEMBER DOBEL SECONDED THE MOTION. <br /> Councilmember Tralle indicated that to reconsider the method or area of <br /> assessments would delay the project and would be too costly at this <br /> point. <br /> Councilmember Schuldt stated that street and sewer is based on a front <br /> footage basis, He noted that the method of assessment for the <br /> beautification items is a different matter as the items being assessed <br /> do not run by properties on a front foot basis. He noted that it is <br /> difficult to assess this in the same manner as the sewer and street <br /> improvements. He - noted that because the improvements are of the nature <br /> they are, he is in favor of the method of assessment. <br /> THE MOTION CARRIED 5-0. <br /> COUNCILMEMBER SCHULDT MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 88-25, A RESOLUTION <br /> ACCEPTING BID FROM SPENSOR ELECTRIC AT A PRICE OF $73,243 AND <br /> AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT IN THE MATTER OF THE DOWNTOWN STREET <br /> LIGHTING IMPROVEMENT OF 1988. COUNCILMEMBER HOLMGREN SECONDED' THE <br /> • MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED 5-0. <br />