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Elk River Downtown Redevelopment Plan <br /> Project Outline: <br /> Inventory & Redevelopment Issues <br /> A. Inventory <br /> • Existing Land Uses <br /> • General Building Conditions <br /> o Structural/Maintenance/Historical <br /> o Property owners/property values <br /> • Recent Investments (public/private) <br /> • Anchors/long-term players <br /> B. Redevelopment Issues <br /> • Constraints <br /> o Transportation <br /> • Vehicle/pedestrian links <br /> • Parking <br /> o Market demands/position/competition <br /> • • Analysis of prior downtown planning&current issues <br /> • Building& zoning standards/Wild &Scenic River standards <br /> II. Vision for future development <br /> • Opportunities (based on results of market study &conditions) <br /> III. Implementation Plan <br /> • Identify priority redevelopment sites <br /> • Identify potential funding options <br /> • Direction for building, zoning standards <br /> • Identify necessary public improvements (streets/utilities) <br /> • Timetable for public improvements &private redevelopment <br /> • <br /> S:\EDA\HRA\DO WNTOWN\RDPLAN.DOC <br />