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Memo to HRA <br /> Downtown Redevelopment Plan <br /> November 27,2000 <br /> • Page 2 <br /> Building components to be evaluated include: <br /> • Structure - cursory <br /> • Maintenance <br /> • Recent improvements/investments <br /> • Historic contribution to community <br /> The last plan to include a detailed inventory dated 1982. This updated information will assist <br /> us in identifying properties that should be encouraged to be redeveloped or rehabilitated. <br /> Additionally,outside factors that impact downtown will also be considered. These factors <br /> include: <br /> • Traffic <br /> • Market demands <br /> - Office <br /> - Retail <br /> - Housing <br /> • Position <br /> • Other communities'commercial development plans (ie. Otsego's "downtown"). <br /> Staff recommends that a qualified consultant be hired to complete the market study <br /> • component. A request-for-qualifications and estimates for the study can be obtained for the <br /> next HRA meeting. <br /> In the past thirty years the City and downtown community has participated in at least 5 <br /> planning efforts that resulted in a variety of plans. These plans will be analyzed for common <br /> themes and issues. <br /> Phase II- Vision for future development <br /> Following the completion of background information, a worksession of the Planning <br /> Commission and River's Edge Downtown group will be scheduled. Staff will present the <br /> results of Phase I property inventory and market study. This meeting will provide staff <br /> additional input to identify redevelopment opportunities, desired land uses, design <br /> guidelines, and ordinance changes. <br /> A follow-up worksession involving the HRA,EDA,and City Council will then be held to <br /> formulate and finalize the common vision and opportunities. <br /> Phase III-Implementation Plan <br /> An implementation plan will be developed based on the components identified by the vision <br /> for future development. The implementation plan will include specific priority sites for <br /> public and private redevelopment,potential funding options,and direction for building and <br /> zoning standards. <br /> 4110 <br />