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Purpose: To assist existing businesses with expansion and attract new businesses to the city whose local operations will <br />expand the city's economy through job retention and creation and maintain / grow the city's tax base. The <br />purpose of the Jobs Incentive Program is to encourage the creation of quality, high paying jobs within the city. <br />Patriot Converting will retain and relocate 22 FTE jobs to Elk River, paying between $15430 per <br />hour, exclusive of benefits. <br />Amount: Up to $200,000 of secondary financing not to exceed 20% of the project cost. <br />The total project cost is $3,981,340. The $200,000 requested is 5% of the total project cost. <br />Equity: Must have private -sector commitments for 50% of the project cost. Borrower must provide 10% or more of <br />project financing. <br />The applicant indicated they will provide $173,890 as equity contribution to the project in <br />addition to the seller carryback of $200,000 structured as unsecured debt with a 60 -month <br />payback, and the applicant will infuse $110,000 to cover the relocation costs associated with <br />moving their equipment from their existing facility in Anoka to Elk River. The total contribution <br />of $483,890 represents over 12% of equity in the project. This is more than the 10% required in <br />borrower equity as part of the program policy. Assuming receipt of the full microloan requested <br />amount of $200,000 (5% of project cost), private -sector financing provides the remaining 83% <br />through debt. <br />Criteria: Borrower must create one new full-time job for each ,$20,000 loaned, retain one new full-time job for each <br />$10,000 loaned, or combination of retainage and creation to meet the requirements. All new jobs must be <br />created within two years and retained for the period of the loan. Said jobs must pay greater of $15.00 per hour <br />or 150% of state or federal minimum wage, exclusive of benefits required by law. Any loans shall meet the city of <br />Elk liver Business Subsidy Policy for the creation of new jobs, as well as a 5year location requirement. <br />A combination of 22 FTE retained jobs provides up to $220,000 as qualifying maximum loan <br />amount, subject to other requirements being met. If approved, the loan agreement will reflect the <br />requirement to provide 22 retained jobs (22 * $10,000 = $220,000). <br />Summary <br />For the $200,000 requested, the application meets the minimum job retention and wage. Uses of the <br />funds as proposed are eligible expenses. The applicant meets the financial equity contribution of 10% as <br />required by the Policy. Ultimately, the EDA Finance committee and EDA Commissioners have the <br />discretion to consider each application in terms of its consistency with the goals of the city's <br />Comprehensive Plan and Economic Development Strategic Plan and in relation to the project's overall <br />impact on the community's economy. <br />Financial Impact <br />Previously, the Jobs Incentive Microloan program has been funded through the EDA Job Incentive <br />Microloan Fund account. The remaining balance of the Job Incentive Microloan Fund cash account is <br />95,403.58. It would be an option to fund the microloan through this account, with the remaining balance <br />of $104,596.42 funded by the regular Microloan Fund account. The full request of $200,000 could also <br />be funded by the regular Microloan Fund account. As of December 22, 2015, the balance of the <br />Microloan Fund cash account is $956,647.43. The EDA Finance Committee recommend the EDA <br />K\Departments\Community Development\Economic Development\EDA\Administrative\Agenda\EDA Agenda Packets\2016\January 19 <br />2016\6.9 sr Patriot Converting EDA Job Incentive N icroloan Request.docx <br />