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TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PROPOSAL REVIEW WORKSHEET <br /> 1. The project meets the criteria set forth in Section III of the City's • <br /> Tax Increment Financing policy. <br /> a) Meets minimum thresholds for size, value, and tax capacity. <br /> b) Meets at least one of the objectives in Section III and satisfies <br /> the provision set forth in Section IV. <br /> c) Demonstrates need for TIF with the but-for analysis. <br /> e) Consistent with all city plans and ordinances. <br /> f) Serves at least two public purpose as defined in Section IV. <br /> 2. Ratio of Private to Public Investment in Project: Points: <br /> $ Private investment 5:1 5 <br /> $ Public Investment 4:1 4 <br /> Ratio Private : Public Financing 3:1 3 <br /> 2:1 2 <br /> Less than 2:1 1 <br /> 3. Job Creation in the City of Elk River: Points: <br /> Number of new jobs as a result of the project. 40+ 5 <br /> Number of existing/retained jobs divided by 10. 30+ 4 <br /> Total 20+ 3 <br /> 10+ 2 <br /> Less than 10 1 • <br /> 4. Ratio of TIF to new jobs created: Points: <br /> $ TIF request $15,000 or less 5 <br /> Number of new jobs created $20,000 or less 4 <br /> $ of TIF per new job created $22,000 or less 3 <br /> $25,000 or less 2 <br /> Over $25,000 1 <br /> 5. Wage Level of jobs created: Points: <br /> Average hourly wage Over $21/hour 5 <br /> of jobs created: $18-21 /hour 4 <br /> $14-17/hour 3 <br /> $10-13 /hour 2 <br /> Under $10/hour 1 <br /> 6. Project size: Points: <br /> The project will result in the construction 80,000+ 5 <br /> of square feet 65,000+ 4 <br /> 50,000+ 3 <br /> 35,000+ 2 <br /> 25,000+ 1 <br /> 12 <br />