Laserfiche WebLink
Joint meeting of the Economic Development Authority <br /> and Housing and Redevelopment Authority Minutes Page 3 <br /> October 19,2015 <br /> Councilrnember Westgaard asked questions regarding the current website host and if <br /> Golden Shovel could provide a benefit that our current site doesn't offer. <br /> Ms.Allard stated a company such as Golden Shovel has options and tools geared <br /> towards economic development that the current site doesn't offer. She stated <br /> Golden Shovel would also provide more management tools to lessen staff's <br /> workload but provide an overall greater benefit. <br /> Councilmember Wagner stated the need to curate the best,most professional and <br /> proper content for the new site and done so in a timely manner and wondered how <br /> quickly the commissions will see a return on investment. <br /> Mr. Marshall explained the content management process and how it would be <br /> specifically geared towards Elk River,and if needed a complete rewriting of current <br /> content as well as an ongoing monthly review and change of content. The initial <br /> upfront content would be provided by staff but a fee would be charged if content <br /> needed to be rewritten. He outlined the process for terminating the site's services <br /> should they feel it's not cost-effective. <br /> Ms. Othoudt indicated staff would be ready and able to curate the proper content for <br /> the Golden Shovel site. <br /> 4. Adjournment <br /> There being no further business,Chair Tveite adjourned the joint meeting of the Elk <br /> River Economic Development Authority at 5:42 p.m. <br /> There being no further business,Chair Wilson adjourned the joint of the Elk River <br /> Housing and Redevelopment Authority meeting at 5:42 p.m. <br /> Minutes prepared by Jennifer Johnson. <br /> Dan Tveite,EDA President <br /> Tina Allard,City Clerk <br /> rl / E1E1 11 <br /> [NATURE! <br />