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Department Buildings, street lights, and signal lights; this shall not include such buildings as <br /> Liquor Stores,Wastewater Treatment Plant, Ice Arena, or lift stations. <br /> 4.0 Donated Water <br /> Elk River Municipal Utilities shall donate water for use by the Elk River Fire Department <br /> (ERFD) for the purpose of extinguishing fires within the City of Elk River and other cities under <br /> contract with the ERFD. <br /> For the purpose of creating ice rinks for public/non-enterprise use, ERMU shall donate water for <br /> use by the Elk River Parks Department. <br /> Elk River Municipal Utilities shall donate water for the use by the Elk River Streets Department <br /> for the use of street sweeping. <br /> 5.0 Donated Labor <br /> Because of specialized skills and equipment,ERMU may be able to provide a better value to our <br /> community by donating labor to the City of Elk River. For example, ERMU has trained <br /> employees and the equipment to hang banners where the City does not. In this example, ERMU <br /> is able to provide this donated service to the City for less cost than a third party, creating greater <br /> value to our community. For such situations, ERMU shall donate labor to the City of Elk River, <br /> as appropriate,where a greater value is created for our community and where ERMU is not <br /> subjected to undue burden. <br /> In addition to hanging banners, other examples include: maintenance of street lighting, relamping <br /> signal lights, locating underground fiber optics and/or other facilities, administration costs <br /> associated with the billing of city franchise fees, installation of temporary lighting, relamping of <br /> city ball field lighting, installation and/or maintenance of city warning sirens,meter reading for <br /> wastewater, assistance with tree trimming, etc... <br /> 8.13 Payment in Lieu of Taxes Page 2 of 2 Adopted December 6, 1994 <br /> (PILOT)and other Donations to the Revised June 6, 2008 <br /> City of Elk River Revised July 2, 2013 <br /> Proposed Rev Oct 13, 2015 <br /> 62 <br />