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Yes! I v,':ml Io make :.l posilive impact on the environmem. <br />Ye.',;! I Wahl to lessen our dependence on fossil rims and <br /> nude:ir energy. <br />Yes! I wahl Io p'-,rlicip:lle in Ihe renew:d~le ``md ener~' pro.t~r:,n, <br /> <br />Pleuse indic~le ~he number of I~ ~lm~m-hour ~nd energy bloc~ you <br />wish Io purctuse each monlh. Remember. ~ch block is :m :~ddilionai ~2,OO <br />im'eslmenl in nol only Ihe emmmmenl, bul in lhe fim~re of rem,wable ener- <br /> <br /> I block I IOO kilmv:m-honrs per monlh) <br /> 2 blocks (200 kilo``uu-hours per monlh) <br /> 3 bloc~ (~OO ~lo~ml-hours per month) <br /> 4 bloc~ (~OO kilo~ml-hmm~ per momh) <br /> 5 bloc~ (500 ~lo~uu-hours per month) <br /> Olher: Pl~e spec~' lOl:d number of l (~) <br /> hour bloc~ you ~sh [o purch:~e each month <br /> <br />If you need help in determini.~ [l~e nmber of ~nd power bloc~ you can <br />purchase, c~ll Elk River Municipal t'~li[ies :~I -63/~ 1-2020. Our s~fl' will <br />be happy to ~sist ~ou, <br /> <br />(:it,..: Slale: <br />~,lime Phone: I~'sl Time lo (2fl~: <br />E'.'eniJtg PhoJ~e: Ik, s~ Time Io Call: <br />.~CO)IiiII Nlllliber: (Jot~lled Oll ~OIIf bill) <br /> <br />15iraqi a(hlr~s: (opti(mal) <br /> <br />.";ign alu re <br /> <br />I IIIldel'.~lalld Ih:il lily comlllll/llelll is ~'o[' ol]e ~(~Jr ~nd ~lJI CmllUlUe <br />oil afl :lnlll~:d J)tbis tlllliJ I nolify }oil in Wrl[lll~ [O ulld iny parljCil):llioll i~1 file <br />renewable wimt progr:ml I ~so ~al no chargt~ ~ill be <br />nmde to m)~counl until e~ly 2OOI, ~ btm ~e ~'ind genemlo~ ~e <br />operational. <br /> <br /> El~Riwr <br /> MUNICIPAL UIILliI~$ <br /> <br /> Elk River ,~hmicip',fl ['lililies <br /> 322 King Avenue <br /> Elk River, MN 55330 <br /> phone: 763/441-2020 <br /> <br />Prinled on Recycled Paper #'lib sol' based i~ks <br /> <br />NOt so long ago. an entire <br />community would galher Io <br />hell) neighbo~ build a barn or bring <br />in a hah'est. Todas~ ~'~ inviting our <br />customers lo bring in a new ~d of cro~ <br />the had'est of wind. <br /> <br />Renewable Wind <br />Energy <br /> <br /> E~River <br /> MUNICIPAL UIILIIIES <br /> <br /> <br />