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Downtown Revitalization Project <br /> October 28,2002—HRA Meeting <br /> Page 2 of 2 <br /> • Heritage Preservation Commission (H PC) Recommendations <br /> A joint meeting of the City Council and HPC was held October 14, 2002. One of the items <br /> of discussion was the HPC's recommendation on historic significance in the downtown area. <br /> The City Council directed the HPC to hold a joint meeting with the HRA regarding the <br /> recommendation. <br /> Staff recommends that prior to a joint meeting with the HPC, that the HRA first get a better <br /> understanding of what the developer proposes to do and then examine the impact,if any, on <br /> what the HPC is recommending. The HPC's recommendation will be considered prior to a <br /> final decision on the project. <br /> Tax Increment Finance (TIF) Redevelopment District Qualifications <br /> The HRA has previously discussed the consideration of Tax Increment Finance (TIF) to <br /> fund a portion of the redevelopment cost. One of the steps in the process of creating a TIF <br /> redevelopment district is the evaluation of the physical condition of the buildings in the area. <br /> The condition of the buildings will be determined by exterior and interior observation <br /> together with a review of public record such as building permits. The attached TIF <br /> Redevelopment District Requirements summarizes the statutory qualifications. <br /> Staff has distributed request-for-proposals to three engineering firms for the completion of <br /> property inspections as required to qualify an area as a TIF redevelopment district. Upon <br /> staff's review of the proposals, a recommendation to authorize inspections and a map of the <br /> • affected area will be presented to the HRA for consideration at its November 25th meeting. <br /> Preliminary Redevelopment Agreement <br /> As a result of staff's negotiations with MetroPlains Development, the city's TIF attorney,Jim <br /> O'Meara of Briggs &Morgan, has drafted the attached Preliminary Redevelopment <br /> Agreement for the HRA's consideration. The agreement addresses the issues that must be <br /> addressed prior to final development agreement preparation. These items include the <br /> preparation of a refined site plan, financial and market feasibility analysis, and project timing <br /> issues. In addition,MetroPlains is required to deposit funds with the City to cover "out of <br /> pocket" expenses incurred by the City for legal, financial and engineering reviews. <br /> MetroPlains has provided the attached Project Tasks and Schedule for the HRA and public <br /> information. A representative from MetroPlains will be present at the HRA meeting to <br /> briefly present the schedule and answer to any questions. <br /> Requested Action <br /> Staff recommends that the HRA consider approval of the attached Preliminary <br /> Redevelopment Agreement by and between the HRA and MetroPlains Development,LLC. <br /> • <br />