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ISSN 0012-5822 <br /> Downtown® Town centers struggle —continued from page 1 <br /> Idea Exchange <br /> a publication of the <br /> Downtown Research&Development Center businesses in our downtown are a small community,you'd like to ip <br /> 28 West 25th Street—8th Floor mom-and-pop establishments, and have a post office,a library, a village <br /> New York,NY 10010 <br /> Phone:(22)228-0246•Fax:(212)228-0376 it's hard for them to get out to the store, maybe a community restau- <br /> Email:info post office during the day." rant,the municipal government. <br /> <br /> Loss creates identity crisis Once you lose one, you run the risk <br /> Publishing Staff: of losing another one, and over time, <br /> Editor Jeanne O'Brien Coffey It's not just the inconvenience <br /> (201)653-5414 —town centers without a post there's a downward spiral" <br /> Editorial Director William Keenan Jr.,ext.112 office suffer an identity crisis. Battling a downward spiral <br /> Customer Service Mary Pagliamli,ext.101 "Downtowns are notorious for hav- Unfortunately, that downward <br /> Reprints and Permissions ing post offices, and we've lost spiral may have begun in Pittsford, <br /> Mary Dalessandro,ext.103 <br /> ours," Murray says. `Our down- VT (pop. 3,000), Bruhn says. A <br /> Publisher Margaret DeWitt,ext.106 <br /> town had a post office in it for few years ago, the town offices <br /> Advisory Board: <br /> more than 100 years.Whether it were moved out of the village cen- <br /> Laurence A.Alexander,Downtown Research <br /> &Development Center started in a feed ter. The <br /> store or a drug Preservation <br /> Peter Beronio,Englewood[NJ] g ��Downtowns are notorious on <br /> Economic Development Corp. store, we've Trust is now <br /> for having post offices, and <br /> Toni-Lynn n ni-LynnTrottier,CSM,Rutland[VT] always had one, assisting local <br /> Downtown Rutland Partnership and now we don't we've ve lost ours." advocates with <br /> Kent Robertson, <br /> St.Cloud[MN]State University anymore." a battle to keep <br /> Laverne Stegall,Jackson[Ms] "A post office is a vital part of a the post office from following suit. <br /> Capital Center Inc. vibrant town center,"adds Paul This isn't the first case the <br /> Downtown Idea Exchange®is published twice monthly by the Bruhn, executive director of the Preservation Trust has gotten <br /> Downtown Research&Development Center.The Center pro- <br /> vides news,information and analysis for successful downtown Preservation Trust of Vermont. "The involved in. The disappearance of 40 <br /> revitalization through its newsletters,books and reports. <br /> post office is a really important post offices from town centers in <br /> ir ©2002 Alexander Communications Group,Inc.All <br /> rights reserved No part of this publication may be piece of what attracts people to vil- Vermont has become such an issue <br /> ik reproduced,stored in a retrieval system,or trans- <br /> mated in any form or by any means,electronic, lage centers.Especially if you're in that the organization has published <br /> mechanical,photocopying or otherwise,without the prior writ- <br /> ten permission of Alexander Communications Group. <br /> Subscription Order Form: Handling post office parking problems <br /> Please start/renew my one-year <br /> subscription to Downtown Idea Parking needs are a common rationale the post office offers for <br /> Exchange for$197.* moving a facility out of downtown.Here are some ideas from A Local <br /> Official's.Guide to Developing Better Community Post Offices for chal- <br /> NAME lenging the parking needs argument: - <br /> TITLE • Survey the number of post office customers that walk, car pool, <br /> FIRM/ORGANIZATION or park while running various errands in the downtown area(i.e., shared <br /> ADDRESS parking) and encourage the USPS (United States Postal Service).to. <br /> decrease the customer parking needs accordingly. <br /> CITY STATE ZIP - <br /> • Encourage the USPS to consider sharing the city route vehicle <br /> PHONE <br /> parking spaces that remain empty for most of the day with the cus- <br /> FAX tomer spaces. <br /> EMAIL N15 • If the parking requirements include community growth projec- <br /> 4:1 MAIL: 28 West 25th Street—8th Floor tions, encourage.the USPS to set land aside but postpone <br /> New York,NY 10010 <br /> iill FAX: (212)228-0376 until the need arises. - <br /> W PHONE: (800)232-4317 • Encourage the USPS to consider on-street parking and any other . <br /> EMAIL info@DowntownDevelopmentcom <br /> •North America,$197.Elsewhere,$227 nearby public parking facilities.... <br /> (includes airmail delivery). - - <br /> 2 • Downtown Idea Exchange • September 1, 2002 <br />