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§ 30-1 ELK RIVER CODE <br /> Irving such a topographical nature that surface Office/Showroom space means space that is <br /> or percolating water flows through it from other utilized primarily for the display of products <br /> areas before reaching a final ponding area. manufactured. Such space may or may not be <br /> finished. <br /> Nonconforming sign means any sign which <br /> lawfully existed prior to June 18, 1990,the date of On sale liquor establishment has the meaning <br /> adoption of the ordinance from which this chapter given in chapter 6. <br /> is derived, but does not conform to the require- Operate means to charge a rental charge for <br /> ments of article VI, division 5, subdivision II, of the use of a unit in a rental dwelling. <br /> this chapter. <br /> Operator means the owner or his agent who <br /> Nonconforming use, as used in article VI, divi has charge, care, control, or management of a <br /> sion 13, of this chapter, means the use of a building, or part thereof, in which dwelling units <br /> structure or land,or both,lawfully in existence on or rooming units are let. <br /> the effective date, of the ordinance from which Ordinary high-water level, as used in article <br /> article VI, division 13, of this chapter is derived VI,divisions 12 and 13,of this chapter,means the <br /> which does not conform to the requirements ap- boundary of public waters and wetlands, and <br /> plicable thereto contained in article VI, division shall be an elevation delineating the highest <br /> 13, of this chapter or which does not conform to water level which has been maintained for a <br /> provisions of article VI, division 13, of this chap- sufficient period of time to leave evidence upon <br /> ter as subsequently amended. the landscape, commonly that point where the <br /> natural vegetation changes from predominantly <br /> Nonconforming use, as used in article VI of this aquatic to predominantly terrestrial. For water- <br /> chapter, means the use of a structure or land, or courses, the ordinary high-water level is the ele- <br /> h,lawfully in existence on September 4, 1980, vation of the top of the bank of the channel. For <br /> ch does not conform to the requirements ap- reservoirs and flowages, the ordinary high-water <br /> plicable thereto contained in article VI of this level is the operating elevation of the normal <br /> chapter, or which does not conform to provisions summer pool. In areas where the ordinary high- <br /> of article VI of this chapter as subsequently water level is not evident, setbacks shall be mea- <br /> amended. sured from the stream bank of the following water <br /> bodies that have permanent flow or open water: <br /> Obstruction means any dam, wall, wharf, em- the main channel, adjoining side channels, back- <br /> bankment,levee,dike,pile,abutment,projection, waters, and sloughs. <br /> excavation, channel modification, culvert, build- <br /> ing, wire, fence, stockpile, refuse, fill, structure, * Outlot means a remnant from a subdivision <br /> or matter in, along, across, or projecting into any that is not a developable piece of property unless <br /> channel, watercourse, or regulatory floodplain replatted in accordance with city ordinances. <br /> which ma y impede, retard or chang e th e direc- <br /> Owner, as used in article V of this chapter, <br /> tion of the flow of water, either in itself or by means an individual or legal entity having suffi- <br /> catching or collecting debris carried by such wa- dent legal interest in the land sought to be <br /> ter. subdivided to commence and maintain proceed- <br /> ings to subdivide the land under article V of this <br /> Occupancy means the portion of a building or chapter. <br /> premises owned, leased, rented, or otherwise oc- <br /> cupied for a given use. Owner, as used in article III of this chapter, <br /> means any person who, alone,jointly,or severally <br /> Occupant means any person, including the with others, shall be in actual possession of, or <br /> owner or operator, living, sleeping, cooking, and have charge, care, or control of, any dwelling, <br /> eating in a dwelling unit,or living and sleeping in dwelling unit, or rooming unit within the city as <br /> "looming unit. owner, employee, or agent of the owner, or as <br /> CD30:24 <br />